Gun shots

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Ravens POV

The gun shot silenced the room, Slade disappeared, Cyborg and Star pined Cheetah down and Alex laughed. Tears pored down my eyes, the rage filled up inside of me and for once I didn't hold it in! They whole school shook, like a giant earth quack, I screamed and ear piercing screech. A huge blow blew everyone one back, Alex's gun went flying into the air. I did a triple cartwheel and catch the gun, while pining Alex to the wall with a black technical around his neck. My demonic eyes shown bright, my grip became tighter. "RAVEN STOP!" Yelled Robin, I ignored him. "Please... Rachel... I h...had to!" he begged, just managing to chock up the words. "No you didn't!" I snapped. He was going purple, "It was... based on!" he cried. I smiled at him, "Then whats the chance of you surviving now!" I take the gun and stick it in his mouth and pull the top trigger, "RAVEN PUT THE GUN DOWN THAT IS AN ORDER!" Yelled Robin. "I HOPE MY DAD EATS YOUR SOUL AND YOU ROAST IN THE PITS OF HELL YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" And with that I pull hard on the trigger blowing his brains all over the wall. Cheetah screams, I turn around and shoot her in the head, Cyborg jumps he was holding her. "DUDE!" He cries. I do the same to Daniel and ran up to Beast Boys body.

"Gar?!" there was a hole right in his head, I use my powers to pull the bullet out and try to heal his head. I spend hours crying over his body trying to revive him. "Raven?" I ignore Cyborg and keep trying. "Friend Raven?" I shake my head and push harder on the injury. "Raven he's gone!" I brake down in tears and hug his lifeless body. "No, he can't I need him, I can't live without you Gar please!" I begged, Robin touches my shoulder. Star starts to brake down to, I can sense so much pain in the room. Something strikes me, I can sense him! "Gar?" I ask, no reply. "Beast Boy?" I whisper in his ear. "Beast?" M...m...mate! "BEAST!" I hug him tightly, but he still doesn't move. Lo...Logan is d...ead and I'm... die...dieing! I cry louder, Star rushes to my side and hugs me, she's in tears too. I will... do my power... to him! And with that he was gone. I screamed and hugged his body tightly. 

We get out side the building, I'm carrying Beast Boy and Cyborg and Robin took Cheetah, Trickster and that prick's bodies. People scream when they see them, I can't take people staring like that. I teleaport back to the tower with him in my arms, I lock my door and start searching through spell books to revive him!

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