1st period

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The team all arrived at the school doors, as they walked in Alex run up to Raven, Garfield watched him closely. "Rachel!" she turned away from him. "Look Rae I'm sorry."
"Don't call me Rae!" she snapped.
"Rachel I was being stupid and jealous, can you forgive me?" he asked. Raven didn't want to stay mad at him forever, but he hurt B, no way she'd forgive him for that. "I didn't mean to hurt you!" he said. "Its not me you hurt!" she faced him, she was mad. "Rae come one lets go." Gar touched her back, she calmed down. "Ill meet up with you." he said as Raven rejoin Star and the others. "Listen Alex, if you ever mess with Rae I'll tell him!" Alex gulped. "I'm watching you!" he whispered as he ran back to Raven.

He had a huge smirk on his face. "What did you do?" she asked. He laughed slightly "I just gave him some helpful advise!" Raven smiled at him. They started walking, "what do you guys have next?" asked Robin "Me and G have Spanish with Miss Gustard, what do you guys have?" answered Cy, "we all have art with Miss Goldstein." said Rae. They all dropped Cy and B off at their class. "See you guys later." Raven hugged B and kissed him on the cheek.

Art Class

Raven came in and saw her book already in her seat. Star fire and Robin sat ether side of her at the front of the class, but behind her, Alex! "Ok class, last lesson I asked you to bring in something from the half term that means something to you, please take them out." everyone pulled their bags and took out their item. Some people had toys and books, someone even brought in a birthday card. The teacher came around and looked at what everyone had brought in. When she got to Raven, she stopped and smiled. "This is a beautiful rose Rachel, what's the story behind it?" Raven looked down at the purple rose, "My boy friend brought me it at the fair the other day!" she smiled still looking at the rose. "do you mind if I use it as an example?" she nodded. "Please be carful with it though." the teacher put her thumbs up. She took it to the front and said the story to the class. "Be carful if you brake it he'll rip your head of!" whispered Alex. Raven gave him a dirty look. "Alex is there something you'd like to share with the class." he shook his head.

Spanish Class
Garfield had already finished the work sheet the class was given and was passing notes to qVictor. "dude what's the answer to B?" whispered Cy. He lifted his book up and showed him. "Thanks man!"
"No problem dude." The teacher heard him. "Garfield!" she called, he turned to her, she shushed him. "QSorry miss!" he said.
The past a piece of paper back and forth to each other.
Dude ur so lucky she doesn't yell at u!
Have you finished ?
Yeah, piece of tofu! :-p
Pass me ur book!
Beast boy slid the book under the table and past it to Cyborg. After 5 minutes of copying he past the book back under the table. "Thanks dude!" B smiled at him. He pulled a piece of gum out of his pocket but before he could eat it the teacher had snatched it off him. "No gum in school!" she looked at him closely. "what's in your pockets?" she asked she saw he had a lot of things in there. "Nothing miss." he lied "Stand up and empty them!" she yelled. He stood at the front of the class and sighed, he pulled out a packet of gum which the teacher binned straight away.

"That's everything!" he went to sit down but the teacher grabbed his hood."Garfield, I wasn't born yesterday!"
"I can tell!" he said in Spanish, all the fluent pupils laughed "Very funny, now empty your pockets!"
He knew what was in there and if she saw it, he'd ruin the mission. "My phone is in there!" Cy looked up, his communicator! "Fine put it in your bag than come back here!" the boys sighed in relief he put his communicator in his bag and got back to the class. He pulled a few A5 sheets of paper out,the teacher looked at them. She smiled and showed the class. "Who's this girl you keep drawing?" she asked, Cy noticed who he had drawn, Gars face went red. "err
no one." he'd drawn pictures of Raven with hearts around her. "Someone's got a crush!" Laughed one of the students. "Leave him alone everyone has a crush!" yelled Cy. "Thanks V!"
" I'm afraid I'll need to take these!" she put them on her desk, "It that all?" she asked. He pulled out a small bag, the teacher opened it, "Cat nip?" she looked confused. Cyborg was about to burst out with laughter. "Yeah it's for my cat at home." the teacher handed it back to him. As he
turned around something fell out his back pocket. Miss Gustard picked it up, she began to read it.

"Dear Gar,
Meet me at the lunch hall at break
Rae!" The teacher looked at Gar "Who's Rae?"
"My sister, Rachel!"
"There's no one at this school call Rachel Logon." B liked the sound of that. "We were adopted her past names Roth." The teacher bit her lip.
"Can you and your sister come back at break time?"
"Are we in trouble?"
"No don't worry I just need to talk to you both!"
He nodded and sat down.

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