Info about Duela!

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Ok this isn't part of the story but in case you want to know more about her read this: BTW SHE MAY RETURN SO RECOMMEND READING THIS FOR FUTURE CHAPTERS! Duela was adopted by the joker, she was actually two faces daughter Two Faces real name is Harvey Dent, ergo her name Duela Dent. When Bat man killed Harvey he didn't know about his kids, he had a son and daughter. Their mother Rachel (not raven another girl) died while bat man tried to save Harvey while he had a normal face. Loosing his wife drove him insane and with the help of the joker he became Two Face. Duela was only a baby when her father died. The Joker, being one of two Faces allies took her in and train her as a clown. She never felt completely welcome, she looked nothing like Harley or the joker. Her brother went missing and is thought to be dead with the mother but no one really knows. 

In my story Duela is the pure sole, some people I'm guessing are still confused about that whole thing so in a  nut shell: Ravens mother Arella died but never went to heaven, she was reborn as a baby name Duela Dent, she doesn't remember her past life until she meets Raven and she starts to feel a strong bond between them. This however is cut short when her own dad offs her, only the second before she died did she remember who she really was. There are now 2 yes 2 pure soles, one of Duela and one of Arella. Of course they are both babies with the same birthday, but who knows may there's a demotion out there with a large time difference! Mwahhahahahahaha! 

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