Half term

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After lunch it was form then home time, as it was half term. The Titans were all in the same form room, 10 W. "So Rachel, would you guys want to come with us to the beach tomorrow?" asked Alex. She turned to the others to see what they thought, "Sure sounds like fun." she said finally. While they were walking out of class, Alex pulled Garfield behind, "Sup bro!" Said b cheerfully. "Hey, I was wondering, does your sister have a boy friend." Beast Boy felt his blood start to boil inside of him, but then let out a small smirk. "Yeah she does." he lied

"Oh really who?" 

"An old friend, she met."

"Oh, well thanks anyway, see you later dude." Beast Boy knew what he did was wrong, but it's what Bat Man and the voices in his head were telling him to do.

The next day the team went to the beach with all the cheer leaders and football team. They had to wear their rings to be save. Beast Boy couldn't take his eye's off of Raven. Even though she looked different she still had her face and looks, really only her skin had changed to peach and hair had become long and jet black, but it was still his Raven. "Dude, you have been watching her for five minutes, have you even blinked!" laughed Cy "Shut up dude." he said without looking away. Most of the time Raven relaxed in the shade reading, while Beast Boy surf. "Hey guys we're gonna go, see you guys later!" all of the footballers and dumb girls left.

"I'm going in!" B whispered to Cy.

"Good luck dude!" Beast boy went up to Raven holding his surf board. "Hey Raven?" she looked up from her book. "Yeah?" B went a little red. "I was wondering if you want to surf with me?" he asked. She folded the corner of her book. "I would, but I don't know how." she picked her book back up, but before she could start reading, "I could teach you!" he offered, she shrugged her shoulders and got up.

 He put two surf boards on the sand and showed her how to paddle and stand up on the board. "I think I've got it now B." she said after 20 minutes. "One last test before the water!" he picked her board up and placed it on a tall rock in the sand. "Get up on to the board and prove it!" she smiled at him, making him go even redder. She was very unstable so he grabbed her hips. She didn't mined, but it made Beast boy feel funny. Cyborg was giving him thumbs up from behind, B stuck his tongue out at him.

She wobbled a bit more, "Don't let go!" she said a little scared. "I wont don't worry!" The team watched them. "Go Rachel!" yelled Star. Raven turned her head to face Star, but lost her footing. She fell off the rock and into Beast Boys arms. "You OK?" he asked her. She nodded. Their eye's locked, he leaned in, Raven wanted to, but didn't. "Em, B you can put me down now." Both their faces were red when he put her down. "So do want to try the water?" he asked trying to change the subject. She picked her board up and they both ran into the water.

A small wave came up, "Too small wait for the next one." called Beast boy. The next wave was even higher than the rock. "Ready?" he asked "Never been more ready!" she joked. She manged to ride the huge wave. The team cheered them on. "Yeah, go Rae!" called Robin, as Star jumped about. Raven looked over to Beast boy, he was doing all kinds of ticks on his board. She came in a bit closer to him. "Your a natural!" he yelled to her. She looked down at her feet, she started to worry her legs wobbled. She fell head first into the water, knocking her out! "Raven!" He cried. Beast Boy morphed into a dolphin and went after her. "Robin where are they?" asked Star. Beast boy found her on the bottom of the ocean floor. He scooped her up onto his back and on to the swore.

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