No way!

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"A terroris!" yelled Robin "This is big!"

"Robin what is the terroris?" asked Star

"I'll explain later. Bat man what do you need?" Bat man showed them images of suspects, "These are who you need to keep an eye on, Star Fire and Raven you need to join the cheer team to.." he was cut off

"No way I'm going to be a cheer leader!"

"Common Rae you'll look great in a mini skirt!" BB giggled nudging her, she slapped him around head. "I'm sorry Raven but I need you both to keep an eye on the leader, Becky." he showed a picture of her, the boys all started to drool over her."The boys look like they have a close enough eye on her!" Star laughed "Get them to do it!"

"Look there is no way out of this so suck it up!" he removed the picture from the screen, bringing the boys back to reality. "Cyborg you need to join the robotics club and keep an eye on them and Boy Wonder you join jocks and watch the footballers." Robin had a little yes moment. "Bat Man you didn't give me a job yet!" Beast Boy pointed out.

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