The Dare!

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Alex was starting to worry, especially when he realized Beast Boy would choose the dare. He opened his eyes and they all laughed. "Alright Alex, you need to drink 4 cups of the punch then tell Miss Goldstein she's your new bottom bitch!" Beast boy laughed hysterically, the others joined him. He sighed and got up, he took the punch like shots and went to find Miss Goldstein. They followed him to make sure he did it. He found her by the door helping people in, "Yo Miss Gold!" he yelled she turned around, "You are my new bottom Bitch!" he wrapped his arm around her, he was drunk! "Alex Renalds, Detention with me after school on Monday!" she yelled, he shrugged. They all laughed, they sat back down. Alex span the bottle, "Beast Man!" he laughed, he didn't want to choose dare in case anything like last time happened. "Truth!" he covered his ears and closed his eyes. Raven tapped him on the shoulder, she didn't look to happy. "Alright man, this is my question, give us one of the Titans secrets!" laughed Daniel he gulped, "Any member of your choose!" they all laughed apart from the titans. "Er... East or my titans?" he asked, "Your Titans!" laughed Becky. "Em... the titans secrets are confidential and I'm unauthorized to tell you!" Raven was a little shocked at his vocabulary, Since when does he know those words, let alone how to pronounce them! He smiled at Raven and flashed his eyes, she smiled at him, Beast! 

"Is there really not a single thing you can tell us?" asked one of the cheer leaders, butting her eyes. "I'm not the only one who likes tofu in my team! Done!" they laughed at his answer, "Who likes tofu?" asked Alex laughing, "Raven!" he shrugged. She smiled at him, Mate I know your mind linked, I must go now!

Bye Beasty! He gave Beast boy control, he smiled at Raven. "Hey guys can I give us all one last dare that we all have to do?!" laughed Becky. "We all have to make announcements at the DJ stand when he asks, Kay?" they all nodded, "I'll go first, then Alex and Daniel then my girls then the boys!" she smiled, "Can I go last?" asked Garfield, she nodded. Cyborg and Robin smiled at him, he gave them a small thumbs up. 

It had been about half an hour of talking and dancing when the DJ slowed the music down and started to speak, "Alright every body it's that time where you get to come up and speak your mind, anyone wanna talk?" Becky's hand shot up and she took the mic off him. They all cheered as she came up, "Hello Beautiful people, Party at my place after and your all invited!" they cheered louder, as she handed Alex the mic she whispered something in his ear. "Make it quick!" he nodded and came up on stage. "Sup, er, don't really have much to say so HELLO PEOPLE!" He yelled then jumped off stage. Daniel and a few cheer leaders had their go then Raven went up to have hers. She smiled at Alex in the crowd, "I just wanna say something to Alex, sometimes I really just wanna high five you... in the face, with a chair on the edge of a Cliff as the hulk!" she stopped smiling and handed Star the mic. "I would like to say the thanks to my boyfriend Richard, Love you!" they clapped her and she gave Robin the mic. "Love you too Kor, and to my best friends in the crowd, sup!" they all laughed. He gave Cyborg the mic, "I wanna say hey to my good friend B in the there somewhere, sup grass stain! And also my GF couldn't be here to night but just so she knows, I LOVE YOU BABY!" People on the crowd laughed. He handed Beast Boy the microphone. 

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