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ASHTON wasn't expecting much from Luke now that he knew the truth, and even though he knew that the blonde didn't actually love Ellie, the thought of the girl touching him made his blood boil and his veins pop lightly from his neck. The barbie doll look she had going was really making Ashton sick to his stomach.

Every once in a while Luke would remind Ashton that he only loved him, and I dare not say with exactly what he gave him, but you obviously see my point here. In other words, they had gone as far as you could get. {a/n: ;) }

Michael and Calum were together now, officially. They had even decided to come out to the world on a radio show later that day. They were all taking big steps. Ashton was released from his suicidal attempts, now he was able to do more things and handle drinking again. He promised he wouldn't pick up another bottle of alcohol if his life depended on it.

Ellie was almost completely out of the picture. She still hung around, still said things to Luke that made him very uncomfortable, but they had some huge plan to bust her and hopefully get her charged with rape.

Overall, things were looking pretty good for the 5sos boys.


It was during the radio show that things were slowly crumbling down. The four boys were seated across from the interviewers, Matt and Natalie, meanwhile Ellie was waiting by the soundboard with their security guards.

"Alright, good afternoon, boys," Natalie smiled heartily, clapping her bony hands as a small sound affect rang into their headphones. "Now, your label didn't arrange this interview, but Michael and Calum did. Care to explain why, boys?"

Michael gulped loudly into the microphone. To ensure him, Calum held the sweaty boy's hand underneath the table, out of everyone's sight. And coincidentally, Luke was doing the same to Ashton. "Yeah," the boy says, running a hand through his dark purple coloured hair. "Well, uhm, m-me and Calum..we're...we're together, like, dating."

A small silence fell over the room. Ellie's jaw had dropped from the soundboard room, Luke biting his lip to keep from laughing at her reaction. Matt had hit a button and an applause sound came through, making the two boys smile and proudly kiss softly. No doubt that was going to be on Tumblr by tonight.

"That's so adorable! I'm so happy for you two!" Natalie chirps. "Luke, Ashton, care to share your closed off bromance details?" she jokes, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. At that point, Ashton wants to scream and shout that him and Luke are in love, but Luke just squeezes his hand which keeps him silent.

The blonde shakes his head at them. "Nah, we're just friends, don't think we'll be getting together anytime soon," he laughs along with Matt and Natalie as the topic quickly changes back to Mikey and Cal, Ashton sulking quietly with a smirking Ellie staring at him.

Oh boy.


{ hi! sorry for the slow update, I forgot to update last night, I was up playing 1D computer games! xD anyways, thank you so much for 2.3k! it means the world. two things; 1.maybe could you follow me on Twitter? my user is @madesimplee. and 2.could you check out my new story, forever and always? it's lashton, lol.

moral of the chapter; although things may be coming together nicely, just one pinch or poke can flatten the entire situation in seconds.

- Stella }

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