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{immediate continuation from the last chapter.}

To say Ashton was panicking was a complete understatement. He was worried about his gushing ankle and the fact that he had to face Luke, just not long after he'd broken the horrible news to him this morning. He felt trapped. The bleeding had somewhat stopped after Ash had placed a washcloth tightly around it, that was his quick fix to stop it while Luke was on his way.

Well, he spoke too soon. Because as if on queue, Luke stepped through the door with none other than Ellie herself. And they looked pretty friendly, Ellie looked a little scared so Luke was holding her hand tightly. That should be Ashton. Ash's blood boiled at the sight, he tried his best not to blow up at the blonde. It was hard.

"So, what's wrong?" Ellie asked dumbly, ignoring the used-to-be-white washcloth that was now a pale red colour. Ashton just gave her the stupidest look, blinking slowly from the amount of blood he'd lost. Luke didn't say anything.

Trying to stay calm, Ashton muttered, "Obviously my ankle is cut, or else it wouldn't be drowning in it's own blood right now." Luke wanted to say something to Ash, but he just couldn't. Ellie rolled her eyes and gave Luke the puppy-eyes, trying to tell him that she wanted to leave. She had complete control over him.

"Look, Ash, m'sorry about your foot, but me and Ellie have to go," he glanced at a shocked Ashton, who's eyes were growing hooded. The loss of blood - which was more than you'd think - was starting to make him drowsy, Luke obviously knew that, Ellie obviously didn't care.

His chest burned. "You're kidding. You are motherfucking joking with me right now. I am literally gushing blood from multiple places on my foot and you have other things to do?" Ashton attempted to stand up, a little wobbly without balancing on his wounded foot. "You selfish bitch!" he angrily shouted directly at Ellie. She pretended to be hurt.

"Why are you yelling at me!? I've done nothing but be nice to you!" Ellie's green eyes began to leak fake tears, making Ashton laugh and cough at the same time. He'd taken some pain killers earlier. He felt a little woozy.

Luke noticed this. "Mate, have a seat, you look dizzy." He was going to help Ashton sit down but Ellie's grip on his arm remained persistent, keeping Luke from helping his best friend - ahem, lover-.

Within the blink of an eye, Ashton dropped to the floor, eyes closed. This time, Luke began to panic. Ellie, however, didn't show any emotion.

But one question, where the hell did Ashton get Vicodin?


{ [a/n; Vicodin is a drug that is used for pain, when taken too many you can perceive false feelings of pleasure since it stimulates the pain. it's as addictive as crack, cocaine, even heroine. also, it can power your nervous system and you could even die.]

hey guys! how are you? I'm bored. going to see the fault in our stars in like two hours, woo! is it good? anyway, thanks for 1.6k! love you!

moral of the chapter; Luke has no idea what to feel towards Ashton. He cannot fathom why he'd chosen Ellie over him, but the truth shall be revealed within time.

- Stella }

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