Cheating part 2

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It's been 2 weeks and i still had'nt talked to Michael. I've been staying at Ashton since he always knows how to make a day better. I told him everything about what i saw and of course he is disapointed but he can't stat mad at his band mate, but he can still be disapointed and angry on him of course even if he does'nt show him it. "Alright so what did the donkey say to the cow?" "Um..""NOTHING BECOUSE DONKEYS CANT TALK!" Ashton said and both of us brust out laughing at his rediclious joke. Suddenly there were a knock on the door. Ashton went up to open it and i stayed on the couch. "Alright but don't take to long." I heard ashton say with anoyence. Then ashton and the last person i've wanted to see walked in. Michael. "Y/N? Can we please talk?" He asked. I sighed and nodded. I was gonna face him sooner or later anyway. We walked in to the guest room and closed the door behind us. "Listen, i know i did a big mistake and i'm sorry, i regret what i did there becouse you never deserved it. I understand that u don't want to be with me anymore becouse what i did was the biggest mistake i've ever made. If i could go back in time i would have never let her in in the first place. The girl you saw was my ex and she actually forced me to do it. Or Else she would do something bad with you. I swear to god i would have never done anything like that even if i went in to her dumb thought i'm still the biggest loser and thanks to my patethic Brain i lost 4 important people in the entrie world. So, i just wanted to say i'm sorry and i will always love you and yeah, bye." He said and began to walk to the door. I sighed. "Michael don't." I said. He turned around. " don't go. U did'nt lose anyone." "What do you-"" i love you too and i'm proud you came and told me what the real truth was. I understand she would do something like that but would'nt it be better if you just could have let her do the bad with me instead of Breaking my heart?" He nodded sadly. "But as you said. It was a mistake. Everyone makes mistake in life and Michael Gordon Clifford i'm giving you the last chance so don't blow it. " i said. A tear fell from his eyes and he smiled bärigheten than the light. "Really!? Oh my god i freaking love i'm still sorry i swear i'm not going to blow this chance oh god i love you so much." He said and hugged me.

When i drove home i stormed in to our aparment and changed clothes before i would pack my things. I packed my things and just then ashton came trought the door with red puffy eyes. "Y-Y/N what are you D-doing no are you L-leaving me?" He sobbed. I Bite my chin to stop my self from crying. "I'm sorry but i need time, i think it's better this takes a break." "W-who?" "Break from us." I said. " please just let me explain before you leave about what happend. " he said. "Go on" i said. "Well i was gonna look for you becouse you suddenly disapeard so when i was walking around and just then i saw you someone punshed me to the Wall and began go grind on me and when i was gonna push her away i saw ot was Y/B/N so she stopped and began to ask if we Broke up and i was gonna say no i love you but she cut me off by saying great now we can be togheter and then she kissed me and when she spotted you she moved so we were facing you and she began to make out roughly and i was actually gonna punsh her away but you came in the middle and i actually saw u from the corner of my eye and i swear it was'nt my fault. She hocked on me. You know deep in side hat i would never in a milion years cheat on you becouse girl your not Worth it. I love you" he said and a few tears ran down his face. I felt a tear slip down my face too. That bitch. I understood now why she always asked if me and ash Broke up. Huh guess what that is never gonna happen. "Ashton. I love you too." I said and dropped my bag and ran in to his arms and both of us cried in eachothers arms but ashton was shaking as hell. "I thought i lost you" he sobbed. "You are never gonna lose me baby now calm down sweetie i'm right here and i swear i'm not leaving you. Ever." I said and ran my fingers trought his hair. I pulled away from the hug, cupped his face with my tiny hands and kissed him. "I love you Ashton Irwin" i murmured in the kiss and in that moment i felt him smile.

I stormed in to the aparment and my mom came running to the hall. "Sweetie what-"" not now" i spat and stormed in to the room and slammed the door behind me. I changed to sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I took out my laptop and logged in to Twitter to see a lot of fans that tweeted me some nice and a few of them were negative. I actually amswered the nice comments. @yourname: what do you do when you catch your boyfriend cheeting and you are supose to meet him in a resturan and u see him come in with another girl?"
@Ashtonsbutterflie: what happened? @lukesdimplessmile: probably smack him i laughed at that one and followed a few fans. Suddenly there were a message from Calum. He told me to come outside. I decited to do it so i ran downstairs and opened the door to see him standing there. "Y/N before you ask me why i'm here could you please hear me out first?" "Okay i guess" i sighed. I stepped out side and closed the door since it was still a little warm outside. "Listen i'm sorry about today but that girl was actually one of my closest friends. I havent seen here in like 3 years and now i got the chance, she is lesbian Y/N. She she knows so well that you are my girlfriend and after u spillde the water on me and stormed out she said that you were hot and if i never was with you she would probably hook up with you, and i never saw you in there becouse i was gonna call you to come becouse she wanted to meet you thats why she was there. I would never in a milion damn year cheat on you becouse you are too beautiful, perfect, funny and smart to be cheated on. Trust me baby, i love you." He said and i chukled. "Were is she?" I asked. The blonde girl came out from behind with a shy smile. "Hello!" She said. I giggled and gave her a hug. "Hi, i, Y/N and i'm sorry i called you a slut, and girl your hot too," i said. She blushed and giggled. "I'm sorry i made you think i was an girl that Calum was hooking up with. " she said. "Don't be, if i was'nt that jelous i would have probably asked who you were and yeah so it's okay, do you guys wanna come in?" They nodded and i opened the door for them to step in but Calum pulled me back, wraped his arms around my waist and smashed his lips to mine. "I love you so much baby and i'm gonna show you it tonight" he murmured in to the kiss wih a smirk.

Y/N! Wake up! " i heard someone call my name. I opened my eyes to see Calum infront of me. "Calum?" "You had a nightmare, i left th soup, water and advil here if you would need it or you are gonna need it and me, the boys and Lexy is downstairs, just call us if you would need us" i nodded bit still confused. Luke suddenly came trought the door with a sad smile. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I choughed and whined. "My stomach is killing me, and my nose is burning and my chough is Leading me to death soon." I said. Calum walked out to give us some time. Luke took off his pants and took out a pair of sweat pants and took them on then laied down next to me. He pulled me in to his chest and began to stroke my head and sing softly, "i cross the ocean i cross the sea starting to forget the way you looked at me" he sang the lyric of Be Alright, my favorit song, it always calmed me down. "You know that i care for you i'll always be there for you i promies i will stay right here, i know that you want me too baby we can make it trought anything cuz everything is gonna be alright i-i-i be alright i-i-i trought the sorow trought th fight don't you worry cuz evrything is gonna be alright" he sang th last words. "Luke?" "Yes?""i love you"" i love you too, so much that it's no Numbers about how much you actually mean to me. " he said and kissed my head. That night i fell in to a deep sleep with the love of my life in my arms and i knew that the dream i had meant nothing becouse After what Luke said i knew that in that moment i could trust him.

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