Michael Imagine

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Imagine for AnaTheBigRedDog , hope you liked it love x :)

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD. GIVE ME MY MAKE UP BAG! I NEED TO GET READY FOR THE FAMILY PARTY STUPID BOY" I yelled as i chased him. he laughed. "i dont see why you need it. you're freaking beautiful without it! just put mascara and red lipstick or just nothing" he giggled. i sighed loudly. "michael!! please!" i whined. he rolled his eyes and was abuot to give it back but pulled it up again. "not before i get a kiss" he smirked. i rolled my eyes and kissed him. i pulled away and took the bag and ran away giggling. "dang it i though we whwre going somewhere" he sighed. i giggled and started to do my make up. when i was done, we finally left the house to the family party. when we got there, we where greeted by his and my mom, then the rest of our family.

the night went pretty well, actually pretty funny. one of the resons is that our dads decited to tell us one of their weird jokes. it was to be hoenst funny cause noone really got it so yeah. it was time to open presents. everyone went on until michael told everyone to shut up when i opened mine. it was a little red box. as i opened it, there was a gorgeous diamond ring and a note on the inner locker. it said "will you be my mrs clifford? :)". i started to cry. "what is it?" th kids asked as the rest where smiling and some where crying. "she got an important qustion that went like this, will you be my mrs clifford and spend the rest of your life with me?" michael asked as he took the boys from me and went down in a knee. the kids gasped. "say yes! one of them yelled. there was chuckules from everyone. "i would love to have you more than a boyfriend Michael so yes" i smiled. his eyes got big and a big grin was repliced instead of a hanging yaw. he shoot up and hugged me tightly as everyone roared with happiness. "i love you" he said. "i love you too" i smiled and kissed him as he placed the ring on my finger.

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