Ashton imagine

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Me and my friend was walking trough the school halls, laughing and talking about everything.

"Right i forgot to tell you this but you know Ashton Irwin who is on your art class right?" She said

suddenly. Ashton was an attractiv Guy that made all the school girls want him more than anything.

The same with his three other friends. All of the, four were pretty attractiv. I actually have a

massive crush on Ashton but i never told anyone, not even my best friend. "Yes?" I said and smiled

at her. "Well he asked me out yesterday and we are going out!" She said exited. My heart Broke in

peaces. "I'm... Oh my good...i'm happy for you. Really!" I said as exited i could even if it hurt. "Oh

my god he is coming on his way to us, stay cool!" She said. I turned around to see him and his

friends coming on Their way to us. "Hi Y/N! And hello Y/N/B" he said to her and kissed her hand

gently. "Aww" i said. Since all of us have class togheter shall we go togheter?" He said. We smiled

and nodded. We walked togheter to the music class and me and Luke started an funny

conversation actually. "Hey Y/N can i talk to you for a minute?" Luke said. I nodded and we

walked to a little more privat place."i know you've liked him and still does." He said. I blushed.

"Well i can't help." I said. "You sure it's okay hat your Y/N/B is dating Ash?" He said in a soft tone.

"Yes! Why would'nt it be? I'm really happy for her... Really." I said. He sighed and pulled me in to a

hug. "You know he has actually had a crush on you for a long time. He is dating Y/N/B just

becouse to fet over you and he thinks that you don't feel the same but i've know that you liked him

too and i've said it to him but he just wont listen. I'm sorry if this is hard to see them both

togheter." He said. Oh god he have liked me too? "It's okay," i said. "C'mon let's go back to class!"

He said. I smiled and nodded and both of us walked back.

*6 months later*

I was at home watching a movie on a relaxing saturday until there were a knock on my door. I went

up to open it and there stood an heartbroken Ashton. What was he doing here? "Oh my god Ashton

what happened?!" I said and let him in. "S-she c-cheated" he sobbed. Anger build up in me. "Oh

ash" i said and pulled him in to a hug. He burried his face in to my crock of my neck and cried.

"Shhh ash she is'nt Worth any of these tears." I said and stroke his head gently. "Y-you're a G-good

F-friend" he sobbed as he pulled back. I gave him a smile who made him smile too. "I should be a

good friend. Or what do you prefere? A bad and unsweet friend or a nice snd caring friend?" I

asked jokly. He giggled and slapped my arm playfully. " can i ask you something?" Asked suddenly.

"You just did but yes?" I said. "Can...can i kiss you?" He asked. I blushed. "Um.. Sure?" I said and

before i knew it his lips were pressed against mine. They moved in perfect sync until we pulled

back and our fourhead rested on each other while Looking in to each others eyes and his arms

wraped around my waist while mine were around his neck. "You have no idea how long i've been

waiting for this kiss" he said. "Same" i said. He pressed his lips once again. "I think i love you" he

said. "I love you" i said. He smiled. "I love you too" he said. "Last question." He said. "Yes?" He got

down in one knee and took my hands in his. "Y/N, i've had a crush on you for so long and everyday

i can't stop think about you. You've been my bestfriend for so long and i can't even wait anylonger

to ask you this, so Y/N, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked. I giggled as a tear fell from my

eye. "Yes" i said. He smiled whidley and stood up and kissed me harder this time. "Finally" he said.

He kissed me once again and for the rest of the day we cuddled and watched movies togheter and

let's just say that Y/N/B ended up begien togheter with that boy but we were still friends.

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