Calum Imagine

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Requested imagine idea by h4h4h4h4h4h4h4h4
finally! i was running non stop. i finally ran away frot the hell you call home. If you haven't figured it out yet i am or was abused. my parents where a pain in the ass and scary af. they called me names and hit me for no damn reason. wanna know when they actually got friendly? WHEN THEY ARE IN A GOOD MOOD AND NOT DRUNK or just never. when i was younger they where literally the best humans begien until i started 3rd class. they started to get home drunk and beat the crap out of me. i just wish they where the parents i loved before all of this started to happen.

"Hey! stay where you are and do not move!" someone called. i looked from behind and saw a cop coming thowards me. i was shaking and scared. he is gonna arrest me then call them. shit shit shit shi-

"why are you out at this time miss? you're coming with me" he said and started to drag me to the car. i screamed and cried, begging him to let go. "please officer, i ran away from home because of my abusive parents! even family! please dont call them just take me to a orpahange or something but please dont take me back to them!" i cried. "dont try miss, i've heard that from many kids at your age because of their parents to not know they have been drinking."he said. i cried and fell on my knees. "get up!" he angirly said. "please believe me" i cried and showed him my scars and bruised arms and legs. he gasped. "holy shit" he muttered and helped me up. we got in to the car and he drove to the hospital. he helped me go inside and as the woman behind the respective station saw me she gasped and called nurses. they took me away and did things that hurt so bad. they gave me a few stiches and cleaned a few cuts and but cream on some bruises. when the doctor and the nurse where done, the same officer came back in to the room i was in. he sat on the chair next my bed and sighed. "darling, im sorry i did'nt believe you on the first time" he said. "its alrighti guess, you had the right to do what you did when i told you, you dont know who to believe you know" i said smiling softly. he chuckuled and nodded. "yeah.." he said. i saw that he had some kind of card on his chest pocket. it read "Calum Hood". "oh yeah so your parents are arrested and i am not sending you to an orpahange." he said. i was confused. "because you're coming with me" he said. hold my broken arm. i am adopted by an officer? i started to smile. "thats cool i guess" i said. he smiled and patted my leg. " so you can call me dad or calum." he said. i nodded. "hi calum, im Y/N" i smiled. he chuckuled and side hugged me. "my wife is so gonna love you" he said. hopefully, begien adopted by an offcier wont be bad at all.

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