5SOS imagine

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Finally the day came. The day u got too meet my sunshines. "Sweetie are you ready to go?" My

mom asked sweetly pocking her head from the door. I smiled at her and nodded. "Come on and

lets go and rock this show then meet them of course" my mom said. I giggled and hugged her. It

Was mom who had bought the tickets. She knew about my desperation and last week she doing out

about my cutting and she understod me becouse she Went trought the same before she meet my

dad but when she he died by a car accident and since then she has been so close that de wont Let

anyone lay a finger on me. She Was actually a fan of 5SOS too so Both of us are actually a big

fangirl when it comes to them and I'm pretty Happy about it. We drove to the arena and waited for

and hour until we got in to the arena. Tem minutes later the show began. Me and my mom Were

jumping and screaming the lyrics that i think That Luke saw us becouse he sent a smile to us and

Michael actually waved at us. *after concert* the show had ended and now it Was time for the meet

and greet. I Was so exited that i Was litarly shaking and crying while my mom tried to calm me

down but she Was pretty exited too. "NEXT!" The sucuridly shouted and it Was out turn. I Was so

Scared so i hid behind my mom when she walked in. "Hi!" The boys said. "Hello!" My mom said.

Everyone turned to me, waiting on me to say something. "H-hi" i said as i stepped away from my

mom and felt a bit more confirteble. "Boys these are your last visitor so they can stay a little more"

the same sequaridy said and smiled. "Okay thank you Bob" ash said. The sequaridy walked out and

before i knew it i Was carried on ashs back. I laughed. "Ashton please Let me down i may break

your back!" I said. He put me down. "U serious? You waigh nothing. " he said. I blushed. "Alright

wanna do something and by the way is that your sister becouse she is really hot!" Ash wispered in

my ear that made me almost trew up and i brust out laughing so everyones addention was on me.

"Sorry," i blushed but still laughing. "What? Did i say some ohhh...." He said suddenly and blushed

harder than ever. "How old is she?" "She's 29. Don't ask she had me in a very Young age." I said. "I

understand." He said. "But what about your dad?" "He...he died in a car accident when i was 10 so

5 years ago." I said and a tear fell from my eye. He looked sadly at me and pulled me in to a bear

hug." I know how it feels, i barley see my dad either, he said. We pulled back and Held my hand

tight. "You are strong did you know that?" He said with a sweet smile. I blushed. "Hey Whats that

on your armoooh... Sorry" Luke blushed. "What?" The others said and looked at me. I bet my chin

to not cry. "Show me your amrs." Michael said. I did'nt move." We wont juge u babe" Calum said.

"Please just show us your arms" ashton said. A tear spilled out of my eye as i lifted my sleves up

and showed them my arm who was covered with a lot of cuts so it looked like a cut mess. "Michael

took my arm in his and kissed every single cut. "Stay strong." He said when he fineshed. "Do you

have a pen?" Ash asked me. My mom gave him a pen and he drew a butterflie in both of my arms

and wrote his autograph. The other boys did the same. "My mom and you guys made me stop." I

finally said. They smiled. "Good, becouse we don't want any fan hurt especielly someone so

beautiful like you" Calum said. "I've never been called beautiful by a boy exept my dad" i blushed.

"Well you're hot to" Luke added. "Funny and adorble too" Michael said. "And we love you" ashton

finsished. I smiled and hugged them in to a group hug. "I swear if you were younger i would have

asked you out right now honey" ashton blurted out to my mom who was blushing like crazy. I

giggled. "You guys are pretty cool to be with, we should hang out more often!" Michael said and

everyone Else agreed. "Yeah.. You guys are amazing too" i said. "Hey wanna hang out sometimes?"

Luke asked. I smiled. "Well change numbers so we can meet up more often" Michael said and my

mom and i gave each other The Numbers before it was time to go home. Perfect way to start an

amazing friendship with the boys.

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