Chapter - 40

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Happy Reading...



Today is the day that I have been patiently waiting for. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Though the results have been out and...had a party as we scored good enough, there is always a tension.

One thing that makes me sad is that no family member of mine would be there in the campus area for me to clap or cheer me up. This is my moment, my dream moment that I dreamt of for years. I wish if God would hear my wishes.
Yes, I understand where I have come from. Not all are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and I am not upset just because they will not be here but because they can't. I understand them, their situation. I get it.

Though I have come from a middle class family I am proud of it. Why? Because I will get to know everything, the worth of everything in life. Not too poor nor too rich. I have made my life to this level. I worked my heart out to reach this level. It ain't easy to travel the other side of the world and survive there for a time period. It was honestly hard for me at first to adjust for this environment, culture, food, and everything and eventually I got used to it. I know how hard it is to educate yourself all alone I know how hard it is to find a part-time job as well as doing good in your studies at the same time. I know how hard it is to not be able to eat for a time period because you have nothing to purchase in order to eat, I know how hard it is to fight a battle in this war land and survive. In order to gain somethings you gotta lose many things. And I assure you it ain't that fucking easy. Yes, it pains but at the end down the line everything is worth it.

Aside from that sad part, I am excited for this. Eva and Jeong look so gorgeous in there beautiful dresses while me, well, I wore a saree as I wanted to. Typical though.

And I could not find alexander since morning, I asked brett, Ethan and Ryan but all three had three different answers and I am not able to decide whom to believe.

We reached the campus and the event started. It went on and on professors and many other important people gave their respective speech. The area in which this graduation event is being held is huge I mean really huge. Being here and studying for three years or three and a half I did not pay attention and when I am seeing it now I am thinking why the hell did I not take a look for at least one time.

Eva and Jeong separated their ways meeting their other friends and family members. Both the families of Eva and Jeong are sweet and respectful. So ME being alone, not that I do not have friends over here but I want to look at this campus, every place that I once spent, every corner where we had fun at the same time learned new things, all that places I want to take a look before I leave.

For the first time when I entered this university, on my first day I noticed in the corner a tree with glass bottles hanging on with threads tied up to it with paper and glass stars, Christmas lights, they look so beautiful and that is what attracted me. That place looks so beautiful in the evening mostly. In the evening because I always was in the library with Lilly and others spending time with them.

As time passed, alphabet wise students were called and they were given the graduation certificate and congratulated by professors. Toppers were told to take their seats on the stage so as I am one of the toppers including Eva and Jeong and others from different fields and there are brett, Ethan, Ryan, and finally, alexander seated many seats away from us.

He smiled widely when he saw me but said not a word, not a syllable and I did not question so I did the only thing that I could right now is to smile back. When I looked at the other three they had these smiles held, those kinds of smiles that look like want to tell something like knowing about everything. I gave a creepy look. They chuckled and looked away.

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