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My stomach growled loudly and I wrapped an arm around myself as I felt the hunger bite.

I was currently laying on a bench at a local park soaking in the sunshine, listening to the birds tweet, and just enjoying the nice weather.

The hunger was bareable, but I knew soon I'd have to find some food for myself and somewhere to clean up a  little as well.

It had been a week, a week since I cut Jimin from my life, a week since I had to leave my best friend behind. 

I'd occassionally wander around the cafe just to see how things were. I didn't see Jungkook, he wasn't working. I only hoped he was okay. Not like I could talk to him ever again. 

We had been strangers, then friends, and...now we were just strangers with memories.

Since then I've been able to get food by stealing here and there nothing too serious. I did what I had to survive. Being with shelter or a place to live didn't seen to bother me, afterall it wasn't the first time I was back in the streets.

A sigh escaped my lips as I sat upright and stretched letting out a yawn as I did. 

People at the park passed bynot even glancing in my direction as if I didn't exist. I didn't care, I like it that way.

"...and you've left so effortlessly.." I whispered the words to myself feeling an odd wave of nostalgia. 

"Kim Taehyung?" My ears perked at the sound of my name. I looked up to see a clean and professional looking gentleman looking down at me with a frown. Alarm bells went off in my head and I quickly surveyed the area in case I needed to run.

"Yes?" The stranger sat down beside me at a distance shaking his head in dissappointment.

"Look at what you've done to yourself love."

"Huh?" My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"My names Jung Hoseok, I'm the son of a friend of your appa's from his workplace. He told me to come find you and bring you home."

A feeling of longing and sadness overwhelmed me.

"I can't, I can't go back."

"Taehyung, your father is a mess. He did not take his only son disappearing out of no where very nicely." The mention of my father and how he must be feeling sent a pinch in my heart. How could I do this to him? 

Clenching my jaw I shook the thoughts from my mind. For once I was thinking for myself and no one else. 

"It doesn't matter, I can't go back, and I'm not going to."

"So what you're going to roam the streets for the rest of your life?"

"It's better than being in a place where I lost myself." Hoseok seemed to ponder for a moment before standing as well beside him, his hands tucked into his pockets.

"Then come live with me, my roommate is out of country for studies overseas. You can stay as long as you'd like. This is my last offer." I pondered it over in my head tilting my head to the side to look at him.

"What makes you think I trust you enough to live with you?" He nodded his head before taking out his phone, unlocking it and tapping something to show me.

"This is the email your father sent me to look for you. I promise I come with pure intentions." With uneasy hands I read the message. 

I thought it over. I had nothing to lose anymore, so why not?


"Okay." Hoseok nodded in agreement before the two of us strolled through the park, basking in the sunshine, our heads held high for something better.


a/n: yes this is the end of taehyungs story!

i wanted to post this before hobi's birthdaay, look at the little sunshine saving the day :D

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