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It was Wednesday and I was sick.

I had fallen asleep last night with the last thing being Jimin on my mind and woken up to a pounding headache, stomachaches, and my nose was more then stuffed.

I had insisted Jungkook I would be okay to work but who was I kidding. I could barely stand up without having the urge to vomit, and I don't think the customers would've appreciated me sneezing into their drinks.

Jungkook gave me some medication to help me feel better before he left early morning.

Laying in bed alone my only thoughts were how I wasn't able to know what wierd drink Jimin ordered today.


Jungkook came back late at night, later then usual. It was ten at night and I was feeling a whole lot better then before.

I was seated up and rested against the headboard of the bed, reading my favorite book '1000 Goodbyes', when Jungkook knocked and entered.

He brought a tray which held a bowl of carrot soup with ramen noodles and medication to be taken before the night ended.

"Thanks Kookie." The younger boy only bowed before sitting beside me. "How was work today?" I asked while taking a spoonful of the soup, savoring the taste. Jungkook coughed scratching at the side of his neck.

"It was slow as usual." I bit my lip nervously before asking the question I've wanted to since he walked in.

"Was that Jimin person in again today?" He nodded.

"Yeah, but he didn't order anything today." I tilted my head as to why he hadn't. Jungkook seemed uneasy and kept scratching and clawing at his neck to which I noticed red blemishes across his skin.

I didn't ask, and I didn't think much of it.


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