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I grew up alone with a single dad and a little sister.

Appa was uneducated and could only afford money for doing odd jobs, so to help out and save my own sister from starvation I decided to drop out of school when going into my tenth year.

Through daily struggles to find a somewhat of a well paying job I stumbled along a stranger by the name of Jungkook.

He became concerned when looking at my frail figure and tattered clothes. That night Jungkook fed me a hearty meal of steak and lobia beans which I happily scarfed down. I also asked for some to take home for my father and sister though I didn't mention them or our current financial state.

That night Jungkook went from a stranger to a life saver.

Jungkook's father was the owner of a small electronics company and with the spare money opened a small cafè where Jungkook worked.

They offered me a job.

I refused, how could they be so generous towards a stranger?

But they insisted and I thought about my little sister Jihye. When was the last time he had seen her smile and happy?

I thought about my father. When was the last time I had seen him relaxed and content?

I accepted the offer.

My first paycheck was more the I could have imagined.

Jungkook soon become a very close friend, and eventually found out about my broken home.

His dad helped my father become a sweeper for a famous korean private school which paid more then any of his jobs combined.

Jungkook and his father also insisted we stay at the top story of their house since no one stayed there.

We refused.

Our house was later broken into that same week that left everything in ruins and me with a stab wound to my side for protecting my family.

Jungkook and his father paid for my recovery and offered security if we stayed with them.

I accepted, I wouldn't let anything hurt my father or sister.

Life, that had once seemed so dark, started to brighten.

That is until the day I heard his name...


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