eighteen . nine

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Jimin's tongue was once again down my throat, and I didn't mind one bit. My arms were hung loosely around his neck, a hand running through the hair on the back of his neck. His hands were gripping my waist holding onto them tightly giving a pressure that I enjoyed.

Our lips separated as the two of us caught our breath, something we had been doing all night. His eyes glinted mischievously under the lamplight above the door to Jungkook's house. One of his hands came up to cup my face and run his thumb across my bottom lip which was red and puffy.

"Thanks for the birthday dinner. I enjoyed myself." He whispered against my ear and and I smiled running my hands down his chest as our bodies pulled apart.

"Anything for you." Another quick kiss was exchanged before Jimin was walking down the porch to his car and zooming into the night.

I stood there, my back rested against the door as I tried to stop the blush from creeping up my face. Today had been everything I had dreamed and more. There was no denying that I was falling for Jimin, hard.

Making myself presentable I twisted the door knob and much to my surprise it opened. That means Jungkook was still awake. Making sure to be as quiet as possible I tiptoed up to the second story. Apna and Jihye were already asleep upon glancing into there room, heading into my own.

The door to Kookie's room was slightly ajar and I opened it slowly to peak inside.

"Jungkook?" There wasn't an answer. There was a twisting sensation in my gut as I opened the door and flicked on the lights. Jungkook's room looked completely trashed. Books, paper, and random items were thrown everywhere. His bed looked like a tornado had hit and the sheets looked like they had been yanked off. The lamp that once sat beside his bed was in the floor, the bulb shattered into pieces strewn everywhere.

My first thought was that someone had tried to attack him but upon closer inspection I realized that was not the case. His dresser had hundreds upon hundreds of photos all stacked ontop of each other.

They were all of me and him. The many times I had given him a piggyback ride and vice versa, the two of us teaching Jihye to ride a bike, the small celebration we had when Appa got his first paycheck. That day was especially memorable. I picked up the picture looking at it intensely. I had fed Jungkook some cake and in return he had smeared icing all over my face, later leaning in to lick it and place a kiss to my cheek. The photo was captured just when his lips connected to my icing covered skin, my boxy smile on display as I tried to push him away.

A loud crash brought me out of memory lane and my head twirled around to where I had heard the sound.

The bathroom. I slowly crept forward fear spiking in my system.

The sight that greeted me had my heart dropping.

The bathroom mirror was shattered, still intact on the wall but an obvious hit to its surface either by an object or something else.

Jungkook sat on the floor in a corner, his hands bloody and raw tugging at his hair.

"Jungkook!" My feet shuffled forward as I sat next to the broken boy, hearing small sobs escape his lips. "Kookie look at me." My fingers tilted his chin towards my direction and his red rimmed eyes met mine, streaked with tears that flowed down his cheeks.

His eyes blinked as if he thought I was a figment of imagination before he was gripping onto my shirt and crying louder.

"T-Taehyung! Don't leave me...p-please don't leave me." My arms wrapped protectively around the younger boy, whispering soothing things into his ear while rubbing his back.

"I'm right here Kook. I'm not going anywhere." My hands held onto his carefully prying them from my shirt as I looked at the knuckles. They were cut and blood was oozing out from the wounds. Helping the boy calm down a bit, I went to work cleaning his wounds before picking him up and taking him into my room. I'd clean the mess later that was in Jungkook's later.

The covers were pulled over us and I hugged the boy to my chest, humming a lullaby until he finally stopped shaking and fell asleep, his face stained with dry tear tracks.

Never have I ever seen Jungkook look so torn the entire time I have known him.

There was definitely something wrong.


a/n: here is where the real fun begins ;)

(we're already at 1.1k when we just reached 1k this morning? I don't understand?!?!?!?)

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