1k 😭

1.3K 58 106



So we have no suppressed 1k views on this story and I don't know what to say...I didn't think I'd get this far and you guys actually seem to enjoy? Lemme go cry.

I cry. 😭

I cry. 😭

And oh yeah I cry some more. 😭


I would like to mention a few people to which I owe part of this success.

FAM FORCE (squad and close friends):

winterlunium this fic was dedicated to you from the beginning. the prompt I had for this could've been for any ship but for you I made it vmin and idk it's just this fic wouldn't be around if you hadn't inspired me to write it. Ily chimchim <3 I hope your enjoying so far. ;) although this is nothing compared to TT which I don't even have words to show how amazing of a read it is! (read tongue-tied on her profile a vmin fanfic)

SweetLies- grumpy yoongs ;) ily for being such a thinker and basically figuring out half the plot line already (although I'm not gonna say how much of what you guessed is true ;)) thanks for being supportive and I know DD will be reaching the 1k mark soon ;) I see it and I'll be there to cheer you on cause damn that fic is lit *-* (read dream daddy on her profile a yoonseok fanfic)

Sehuns_bag_of_Lays  little baby hope. Idk if you'll see this after being inactive but I love your reactions to this story xD I think yours are the one that make me laugh cause it's so true some of the things I write are so unrealistic. Lmfao ily tho and do continue ;)

TALKY BERRIES(readers who leave colorful comments:

-taekooking for loving chai as much as I do

trulyyourself  the newest RC commenter who had me dying with her comments. it's true, Jimin's thighs are a whole new level.

Kim_Taekookie cause she wanted be to be special berry but she already is. (also totally not buttering you up cause your judging this book for two different awards xD)

GucciBillion the person who told yinnie to go climb a mountain cause it was getting steamy in a chapter xD

VITALS(readers who vote)

KerokeroRin i see you EXO fam >.>

FlamingoFiend kinda curious in how you came up with your name

irenecailles silently clicking the star but never saying anything xD 

jiminfication Idk if you were allowed to vote when your judging but I still fangirled *-^

These are the people I often see in my notifs and bless you all <3

Special thanks to all my readers cause you know teamwork makes the dream work ;)

lots of love from a grateful author,
Xx ash

((Idk why I made this such a big deal but I just had to show some love to these wonderful people. Who knows you may be next:))

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