twenty eight . five

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My heart was racing as I walked up the few steps to Jimin's doorway. I needed to know, I just had to know.

 As I waited a part of my heart said not to trust him...but the other part of my heart kept thinking how Yoongi said Jungkook had kissed Jimin, not the other way around. So listeneing to his side of the story wouldn't hurt right?

It was a long while before the door finally opened to reveal a groggy looking Jimin with his hair sticking out, an oversized shirt hanging on his body and sweats. One of his hands was rubbing at his eyes and the scene itself made my heart melt. He looked so adorable. 

Focus Taehyung, you're here for answers.

Wiping the smile that had formed on my face I stood tall.

"Jimin, we need to talk." He looked at me with a lazy expression. I would atleast think he'd be surprised to see me but guess not. He motioned for me to come inside and I walked in. 

"Let's head up to my room." I didn't object as he led me up a staircase, but I could see the figures of a few people in his living room which I assumed was his family.

Upon entering his room he shut the door behind me and flopped into his bed. I felt kinda awkward just standing there and crossed my arms to make myself less of an idiot.

"So..?" Jimin started out looking up at me with questioning eyes.

"You cheated." He raised a brow.

"Do you have evidence to support your statement?"

"I saw the conversation on Jungkook's phone." His face didn't give anything away and he shrugged.

"And what did you find out Taehyung?"

"Th-That you and Jungkook have been sneaking around behind my back." My voice cracked slightly and everything in me hoped that this was all a lie.

"Who's conversation did you even read, because I am not on speaking terms with Jungkook whatsoever." 

"He was talking to another friend of mine and they were talking about me. He was saying to Jungkook that he's kissed you behind my back more than once." Jimin nodded his head thinking for a moment before crawling to the edge of the bed, taking a hold of my shirt, and tugging me towards him. I let out a sound of surprise tumbling forward and landing on the bed with Jimin leaning over me.

In seconds his lips were on my neck, kissing and sucking the delicate skin, and mind was fogged by how amazing it felt. I felt him drag his teeth and I took the moment to push against his body slightly.

"Jimin..." I started but his lips were on mine before I could say anything else, his tongue grazing my lower lip before entering my mouth. I could smell his musky scent something I always loved and my eyes closed at the drunken state he had reduced me to. It was when his hands started roaming across my abdoman that I pulled back to breathe and took a hold of his wrist to stop him from going any furthar.

"Just tell me, did you or did you not cheat on me with Jungkook?" He smiled slightly his hand stroking the side of my face, his eyes locked on mine. 

"No, I did not, but tell Jungkook to try and keep it in his pants." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but I didn't have time to think before Jimin's lips were once again on mine, biting and sucking, and I was lost in his world of pleasure.


a/n: idk wtf i'm doing anymore ;-;

but hey check out mr.&mr. and hope flowers on my profile ;)

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