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Song: Goodbye(The Saddest Word) - Celine Dion

"Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty, this hatred. How did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us? That we now send our children into the world like we send young men into war, hoping for their safe return. But knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?" Lucas Scott One Tree Hill

Fave #LexisandHera tweet lol;

"If Hera's last name had been Orange, then we could've said orange is the new black "


The next day, while Hera is away to buy a few things and bring Alexandria to see her dad, Maeve walks in.

"She's here," She says to Lexis.

He nods.

She walks back out leaving the door open.

Seconds after, Lea walks in to the room.

"You wanted to see me?" Lea says unsure of how to approach him standing by the door.

Lexis seated with his back against the bed headboard stays quiet staring her down.

"Come in," He says after a while.

She walks in and approaches the bed while Maeve shuts the door standing guard outside.

"Sit," Lexis says pointing to the chair next to his bed.

Lea sits down and balls both palms into fists, before releasing it and interlocking her fingers against her knees nervously, as Lexis quietly watches her actions.

She glances everywhere but at him.

"Why are you not looking me in the eye?" Lexis asks.

"Huh?" She says looking up.

He lightly scoffs.

"When you were dropping bombs you seemed more than happy to release what was in your heart and so dearly have wanted to say for years so why the sudden skittishness?" He asks.

"I...I'm sorry," She says but Lexis quickly lifts his hands.

Lea lets out a sigh staying quiet thinking he meant for her to shut up.

"You said you're my aunt?" Lexis says.

"I am," She says.

"How? I never met you neither do I remember my mother ever mentioning you," He says.

She shifts uncomfortably.

"Your mother and I...we had a complicated relationship," She says and pauses as if seeking his permission to keep going.

"Continue," Lexis says all ears.

Lea glances forward and notices his thumb quivering.

Rose did that when she was nervous, she recalls silently.

She tightens the lock of her intertwined fingers.

"Rose had two sets of parents,"

Lexis eyes contract.

"She was the child of my fathers best friend, whom he adopted when her parents died. Her father died in a fire. Her mother passed away from the shock,"

"When she came into our home we accepted her as one of ours. My parents made sure she never felt like she wasn't a part of us. It was all good, we were a perfect family till the accident that changed everything,"

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