69. Voldermot's virgins

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Fave #LexisandHera tweet. OMG this never even clicked but you're right!

"What a coincidence, the book's name is 234's, Hera lived with Shakespeare in Nigeria and 234 is Nigeria's area code. Isn't it?"

Song: Take Care - Drake ft Rihanna


Five years ago, Lagos Nigeria.

Ethan passes by the gate of the hospital after completing his business there when he notices Hera seated by the shrubs. 

"Stop the car," He says to the driver who brings the car to a halt.

He gets out and walks over to Hera who doesn't notice his arrival too caught up in her emotions.

"Do you need a ride?" He asks bending down to glance at her.

She doesn't answer.

"Where are you headed? "He tries again yet gets no answer. He seats next to her signaling for the driver to park the car next to the shrubs away from the driveway.

They both seat in silence. The driver glances at Ethan from the car. He should be on his way to the airport to get on his plane back to the States but instead he was seated next to a stranger.

The drivers phone rings.

"Are you on your way yet?" Ethans sister asks.

"No ma,"

"Why? Is he still looking over things?"

"No , he's seated next to some woman,"

"Some woman?" She says intrigued.

"Doesn't he know he has a flight to catch and the traffic in Lagos is horrible?"

"I'm wondering the same," The driver replies.

"Call the pilot and let him know he'll be late. Also send me a picture of the said woman," She says cutting the call.

Meanwhile outside the car, Ethan glances at Hera as her phone rings out for the fourth time deciding if it rang again he'd pick it up. It does, he takes it out of her hands and answers as she looks at him for the first time noticing him, a dazed look on her face.

"Hello," He answers.

"Who's this?"Keith asks.

"Ethan Reynolds,"

"Where's Hera?"

"Seated next to me, who are you?" He asks crossing his legs  and pulling the lapels of his coat with his free hand.

"Husband, boyfriend or brother?"

"Why does that matter to you?"Keith replies wondering who this crazy person with an American accent was.

"Good question," Ethan replies chuckling.

"Let's see...Your answer will determine the answer I provide, seeing as Hera is..."He glances at her. " ...too dazed to answer. I'm afraid I am the only one that can help you find and keep her safe,"

"Dazed? What did you do to her?" Keith asks voice filled with anger and worry.

"Me? Besides seating next to her, nothing. Now what you or someone else might have done to make her be so psychologically traumatized and out of it is a different matter," Ethan replies.

Keith breathes out in relief that it wasn't the stranger who'd hurt her. It was the whole Lexis mess. 

Intrigued and amused by the stranger and his questions, he asks,

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