43. Chemistry

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Song: Chemistry - Falz ft Simi

"As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone."- Lucas Scott One tree hill.

"As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. Then gradually time awakened again and moved sluggishly on." -- John Steinbeck, "Of Mice And Men" -  One tree hill.

This is more of a filler chapter I guess.


"Why can't I get Nathan?"Lexis asks Maeve as she steps into his office later that evening.

Maeve takes out her phone and tries calling Nathan but it goes straight to voicemail.

"No luck," Maeve says handing him a file.

"Here's the information you wanted on the Grahams and John," She says handing a file to Lexis.

He collects it and looks at it.

"Your suspicions were right, they have a closer link that binds them,"Maeve says.

Lexis flips through it, his eyes going over the highlighted important points Maeve had made.

He snickers.

"Idiots," He says closing the file as Hera walks in.

"I'm done with my work for the day and wanted to know if you needed anything before I leave," Hera says.

"Leave?"Lexis says raising his eyebrow.

"Going home?"Hera replies. 

She was in a hurry to leave and try to contact Nathan on Lexis latest findings. She needed him to stop Lexis. She didn't want to leave the country with the fear of Lexis finding out from Alexander Wang the truth and coming for her and for that she needed Nathan's help of which she was sure she'd get considering how much he wanted her out of Lexis' life.

"I believe I told you we had a dinner to attend,"Lexis says.

"But I don't have anything to wear and it's too late to go to any mall," Hera says looking at the time on her phone, wanting to go home and be free from the burden of being on pins around Lexis scared every second of what might happen.

Lexis looks to the side and notices the box with the wedding dress.

"Wear that,"He says pointing to the dress.

"But isn't that your wedding dress?" Hera says.

"That I have no memories of,"Lexis replies.

"Yes but..."Hera starts.

"Wear the damn dress Hera we don't have all night to argue, you can change in my bathroom, Maeve help make her up or whatever you girls do," Lexis says taking out his phone and answering a call signaling the end of the conversation.

Hera stands still not moving.

Maeve walks over and picks the box walking towards his room.

"Miss Reynolds?"Maeve calls out turning back to look at the still Hera who doesn't move.

"Hera?"She calls again.

Hera stays still deep in thought. Five years ago she couldn't wear the dress, five years later she's blessed with an opportunity to wear it, even if it wasn't for her wedding to Lexis it was still for a social even with him, the last one she'll ever have with him. How could she reject it even knowing what the dress meant? This was her last week with him, her last chance to walk side by side with him in public. To experience wearing her wedding gown with him. She shuts her eyes and lets out a heavy breath.

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