41.Pills and Psychology

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Song: Pills and Potions - Nicki Minaj

"And Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs... so that together we find our way home. Because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.' This year.. I lost my way."
[  Lucas ]

"And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But, losing your reason for the journey... is a fate more cruel."[ Nathan ]

"The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone, sometimes, there were others who took the wheel -- and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who arrived...it wasn't me at all." [ Peyton ]

"And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be... or lose that person completely." [ Brooke ]

"Because, sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been. And remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are."
[ Mouth ]

-One Tree Hill.

Three updates in a day! And that's a wrap ladies and gentlemen hope you enjoy your Easter :)


"How long?"Lexis asks.

"It's hard to make a definite prediction but at least 4 years, you said you got into a major accident five years ago right? After which you lost your memories after being in a comma for a couple of months,"The doctor says.

Lexis nods.

"That's probably when it all happened. You see like I previously told you, Xylex and Dertikloxine are drugs that can be used as an anaesthesia," The doctor says.

"So it was used during my surgery?" Lexis asks.

"Our first guess was that it was the drug used on you during your surgery  but it's a drug that is not allowed in America so except someone committed a crime of which they can lose their license for by using it during your surgery and end up in jail, it was not administered to you in America," The doctor says.

"Then where?" Lexis asks.

"England,"The doctor replies.

"England? Lexis asks.

The doctor nods and brings out some papers handing them to Lexis.

"England is one of the countries that allows it to be administered and it's where you said you lived prior to your return to the country for five years," The doctor says.

Lexis looks at the documents in front of him.

"In England, Psychiatrists use it for their treatments..."The doctor says.

"Hold up, did you just say Psychiatrists?"Lexis asks.

The doctor nods.

"You said your pills were given to you by your psychiatrist in England right?" The doctor asks.

Lexis nods.

"After your surgery here, your psychiatrist administered it to you in England, I say this with certainty as the drugs given to you by your psychiatrist were found to be made off all three, Xylex Dertikloxine and Quinicilin," The doctor says.

"Are you sure about that?" Lexis says.

"My friend is the best in his field hence why he works for the government. Like I told you Xylex and Dertikloxine are drugs that once started can't be stopped due to their silent killer tendencies except you take Quinicillin with it,"The doctor says.

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