60. Pasts and lies

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For those of you not getting the reverse psychology of it all in the last chapter. Everything he told MJ about Hera was a lie. He only said he faked his death to show MJ the extent he went to "secure" his dads presidency so she believes him and instead of doing what he asked which is, not leaking or associating Lea and Peter to the Scandal, she does what he wants which is associating them to the scandal and not linking him to it. That way he can bring up having the company handed over to him without issues as he'd not only give Peter the solution to the scandal(which includes Lexis taking sole ownership over the company) but start the wheels towards his revenge.   

"Tennessee Williams once wrote; When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone." - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill

Dearest Taylor Swift I don't like you nor trust you but I've always liked your music. Thank you for releasing this song this week it's perfect for this and the next two chapters! Lol

Song: Look what you made me do -Taylor Swift


      The day goes by fast for lexis in between meetings and appointments. Sometime that evening, a group of people with various boxes bring files pertaining to Lea to his office. Files that he and Maeve would dig through for the next few days to pick the most beneficial to them.

Meanwhile back in his mothers home, Hera was seated with her shoulders slumped. She'd missed her flight. Her thousands of dollars flight. Dollars that could have gone towards paying Peter back were now lost to the airline and un-refundable. She'd spent the past hours searching for her passport and after not finding it she'd called the airline on a conference call with Jamie to figure out if they could get the trip postponed or get a refund. The airline agreed to put her on the flight going out the next day but refused to give a refund. After being told she could at least get a flight for the next day at no charge, she'd immediately unpacked everything in an attempt to find the passport to no avail. She'd turned the house upside down to no avail and tired had finally resigned herself to the fact that she might not find it.

As she stays seated thinking of how if she doesn't find it she'd be losing thousands in funds for the ticket, a thought occurs to her.

Could Lexis have taken it?

She immediately gets up hurrying to her room to get her phone and call him up but stops once she picks the phone up. What if he had nothing to do with her passport missing? What does she say is the reason she's searching so frantically for a passport she shouldn't need considering she shouldn't be traveling? She decides to call Jamie but it goes to voicemail. 

"Mummy I'm hungwy," Shakespeare says peeping into the room. a sad look on her face.

Hera gets up and places her hands out for the little girl to hold leading her to the kitchen where she warms the left over Jollof-rice.

"Mummy what of daddy?"Shakespeare suddenly asks.

"Huh?"Hera says thrown off by the question.

"You said we'd see him but you said Mr Airport is not daddy and I have not seen daddy,"Shakespeare says her eyes welling up with tears. She'd endured for the past few weeks always getting side tracked by various things but all she really wanted was her father whom her mum had promised she'd get to see in America. It's been days and she had yet to see him. 

Hera stays quiet and walks over to the seat next to the little girl.

"Shakespeare..."She says and pauses. What could she say?

"You're right we came here to meet him but he is no longer here," Hera says.

"What do you mean?" Shakespeare asks.

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