9. Overdose

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Because, sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been. And remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are."- Mouth One Tree Hill

Song : If we ever meet again - Timberland ft Katy Perry.

For the sake of my sanity and everyone else who wants quick updates but doesn't ask for updates, I went on a blocking spree. If you're amongst those who always comment update and nothing else or do so when I clearly just asked that you don't, you've been blocked from commenting. You can read the story but can no longer post comments on it.


"Shakespeare?" Lexis calls out looking down at little Shakespeare standing outside the door to the bathroom. She'd come out of the shower to hear what her mum had shouted out to her and had run out at the sound of her mum screaming to the sight of her naked mum in the hands of a man in the hallway.

"Mummy? Daddy?" Shakespeare calls out.

Hera looks back at Shakespeare as various thoughts pass through her mind, how'd Shakespeare know he was her daddy? Was she dreaming? She concludes she is as that's the only thing that made sense, yet, the hands wrapped around her felt real.

"What are you doing here?" Lexis asks a confused expression on his face.

Hera stretches out her hands and touches his face. It was real.

At the contact of her hands to his skin, Lexis releases her and takes a step back.

   Shakespeare oblivious to what's happening runs up to Lexis shouting daddy and wraps her arms around his legs.

"What are you doing here?" Lexis asks.

Hera takes a step back trembling. Looking from him to the little girl holding onto him.

"How is this...You're ...oh my goodness...You're...you're...oh my goodness,"Hera says placing her hands on her chest and walking backwards, shaking her head as her body trembles. Her eyes shut as she falls to the ground blacking out.

             Later that day, Hera opens her eyes and looks around. She was currently in bed with a drip in her hand. A feeling of deja vu sweeps over her as she turns her head to the side and sees the man she thought she'd never see again, the man she'd betrayed and hurt, the man she thought she'd killed,the man that was once her lover, fiance and father of her child, the man she thought had died, Alexander Black.

"You're awake?" Lexis asks as Hera looks at him trying to process how this could be possible.

"Am I dreaming?" She asks her eyebrows and forehead wrinkling in thought, confusion and disbelief.

"Does this look like a dream to you?" He asks.

"Yes," She replies her lips quivering suddenly scared thinking she's dead in heaven with Lexis, but heaven shouldn't look this way, so was she in hell?

"As much as you'd like this to be a dream to escape why you're in a house that doesn't belong to you, I must disappoint you by stating it's not a dream and very much real," He says.

She uses her teeth to draw in her lower lip biting onto it deeply. She feels the pain mixed with the rustic taste of blood telling her it's real.

Lexis rushes forward and uses his hands to press tightly onto the the sides of her lower lips forcing it to be released from the grasp of her teeth.

"Are you crazy?" He asks his voice deeper and filled with anger.

Hera closes her eyes absorbing everything. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. He's alive, Alexander's alive.

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