82. Remember

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"Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: 'All are architects of fate... so look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again.'" - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill

Song: Thousand years - Christina Perri

Three days after, Lexis was finally moved from the ICU to a private room. He was still unconscious and had been unconscious all three days.

Hera had spent every day by his side when she could and outside the ICU when she couldn't refusing to leave. She only left when the doctor threatened to bar her from coming unless she left, took a bath and ate before returning.

She finally left but quickly returned wanting to be by his side when he gets moved out of the ICU.

E and Jess were by her side through it all while Alexandria was being taken care of by E's family who had arrived in the succession of the three days.

E had called his father for advise, worried Hera would have a relapse. His father volunteered to come taking the next flight out of Togo while calling Liza to inform his wife Hannah, unable to reach her. Once Liza got across to her mother, they both took a flight straight to California with Liza arriving the day he was moved from the ICU, her mother arriving the third day and Elijah arriving the second.

Through the day's Hera had stayed by his side telling him stories about her years away from him, crying and pleading with him to get up.

The doctors regularly checked on her on Elijah's orders to make sure she was physically okay while he regularly checked on her mental health helping to make sure she was okay.

Jess was floored. If she wasn't aware and a witness to Hera and Lexis' love story she would have thrown Hera to the Vanderbilt's. Their love and dedication to Hera was everything the Blacks weren't.

They were the definition of a family that sticks together.

Checking his vitals after completing the move from the ICU to a private room, the doctor once more assures Hera that Lexis was no longer in the critical stage.

"Then why isn't he awake?" Hera asks.

"That is something that we will have to leave up to his will and fate," The doctor answers.

He signals for Maeve to follow him. She'd been busy taking care of his medical needs and the company. E volunteered to be an adviser telling her he'd step in should he be needed.

Maeve alternated from the company to the clinic and back again.

No one knew the full details of what had occurred in the room that caused Lexis to faint. All they knew from Maeve was there had been an argument and then he blacked out. The doctor ascertained that whatever he heard mixed with his not being properly checked up or treated when he recovered his memories were too much stress for him to handle shutting off.

                             One week later, Lexis had yet to wake up.

On the second day out of the ICU, late in the night, Hera walks into the room after returning from taking a shower at home and seeing Alexandria.

Weakly walking in with the strength drained from her, she seats next to him.

Sighing, she bends, laying the right side of her face in his palms and shuts her eyes.

"It's been nine days,"

"You're going to wake up right?"

"You don't plan upon leaving me again right?"

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