72. Exposed

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Sooooooo I miss Lexis lol. 

Song: No idea, I'll be back with one.

Warning: This chapter is BORING... But needed to be written so enjoy I guess as there's a question asked that is important for future reasons lol

Last time on 234's lifelines:

We found out how and why Ethan and Hera got married due to his mothers interference. She promised Hera she'd see to Shakespeare's protection. Making Hera believe she had to pay Ethan back for all he has done for her by marrying him. Because he needs a wife to be the patriarch of his family and what he did for her was priceless. We also found out that Ethan had sent pictures of Hera and him to the Blacks and found out by the end of the chapter that Lexis was alive.


"Since when?"

"What do you mean since when?" Karl says chuckling.

"Since the day he was born? Why did you think he was dead?"

"Because the news made roads?"

"He's friends with Zane,"

"The Judge's son?"

"Are you positive?" E asks interrupting them.


Shoving his drink into the waiters hands who'd just walked by, E walks out of the party. On the way he makes some calls to various people gathering information. With each new information learned his fists tighten harder and his mood futher deteriorates.

Arriving at the financial institution where his mum currently was, he heads to her wing barging into her office.

"You will tell me everything, every single thing you know!" E says his index finger raised in anger.

"Hello to you too son," His mother Hannah says not lifting her head up from the papers she was currently looking over.

"You knew didn't you? Is that it? Why you insisted on my marrying her? Why you suddenly appeared the day to my leaving for Nigeria. Was this yourway of seeking revenge for what he did to Susan? Taking away his family?"

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!" E screams banging his fists on the table.

Hannah exhales and drops the papers she's looking over on the desk.

"My son does not and will not speak to me with such a disrespectful tone,"

E exhales heavily, standing straight.

"Now, explain to me what your grievance is about," She says.

"Alexander Black, he's alive isn't he?" E asks eyes filled with anger and pain.

"He is," She confirms leaning back against the chairs backrest.

"You say it so calmly,"

"Shouldn't I?"

"Did dad know?"

"I'm well aware of the man your father is, why on earth would I have informed him?"

"I can't believe this. How can you be so heartless?"

"I needed a daughter in law, my son needed a wife. It so happened that he was in love with a single woman who not only gave him the title of a husband in his pa's eyes but also father, thereby securing his stand in the line of succession. If that is heartless then heartless I shall be,"

"Most importantly you my dear never asked. Instead you were busy sending postcards to the Blacks. Neither did you do a good job of researching. I fail to see how that's anyone's fault but yours,"

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