35. Wake up

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"You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you, how many moments of other peoples lives have we been in, we're we a part of someone's life when their dreams came true, or were we there when their dreams died. Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there, or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it." - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill.

Song: Wake Me Up - Avicii


Lexis looks at Shakespeare then the mirror.

"I didn't do anything!" Shakespeare cries out scared.

Shakespeare runs over to her mother holding tightly to Hera's legs. Hera looks around confused.

"Alexander," Maeve calls out wondering what had happened.

Lexis looks at where he was standing and then the mirror. Unlike Shakespeare who was previously standing directly in front of the mirror facing it horizontally, Lexis was standing by the mirror facing it vertically, his side to the mirror. 

"Maeve watch me," He says briefly glancing at Maeve who does just that.

He lifts up his phone to his ears and re-enacts what happened pretending to be on the phone before briefly turning to look at the mirror and imaginary Shakespeare in front of it then turning back his glance to the side wall horizontally in front of him. 

"Considering the amount of seconds I spent looking at the mirror, is that enough to make it speak?" He asks.

"Yes, as long as it's more than 8 seconds and you spent about 14," Maeve replies.

"That explains that then but, can it come on without my having placed my used cup in the coffee maker?" He asks.

"No, the Mirror needs the saliva sample to detect your DNA and awaken after which it needs your eyes to speak and your voice to open up, so while someone with your DNA can awaken it," Maeve says to causing Hera to stiffen.

"... it definitely won't open without recognizing your voice. That was the extra precaution I took to stop unwanted guests who may have gotten a sample of your DNA," Maeve says.

Hera doesn't raise her eyes to look at Lexis her mind going into a mode of shock.

"Then explain to me why it came on without my placing a cup with my sample in there," Lexis says. He'd looked at it once during his call to see what the little girl was doing but that wasn't enough to wake the mirror up. To wake the mirror up he needed to have placed the cup in the coffee machine.

"That's impossible," Maeve says.

"Didn't you hear it ask for a password?" Lexis asks.

"I did," Maeve says.

"Then except we all have a collective ear mutation or the system is encountering an issue explain to me how it came on without my placing a cup in the coffee machine," Lexis says.

Maeve walks to the machine and places her hands on the wall above the coffee maker, it swivels revealing a bunch of buttons. Maeve presses some buttons  and a painting by the side of the wall swivels around revealing a cup. 

"I cleared this out this morning so this is new," Maeve says taking out a cup.

Lexis walks over to her and takes up the cup from her. 

"Are you sure you didn't use it and forget?" Maeve asks.

"I didn't...except..." Lexis says and pauses looking at Shakespeare who was holding tight to her mum.

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