63. Checkmate

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Song: Look what you made me do- Taylor Swift

"You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices. Or you can fight back."

"Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world. That's just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give. Rest of your life is being shaped right now. With the dreams you chase....The choices you make....and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time. And the rest of your life starts right now." - Haley James Scott, One Tree Hill


Later that evening, at the beach house which was currently  like a zoo decorated  and filled with guests, the press and security for both the rehearsal dinner and Peters campaign announcement, Maeve walks through the garden after getting rid of Olivia, Peter's campaign manager. The garden was filled with blue and red, the colors of Peters party, his pictures and Slogan "Rebuilding Together" were draped all around the hallways from the garden to the main house. The Rehearsal dinner was to start at 6 pm while the announcement of his dad's intention to run was to be done at 5pm.

Finding the room containing Lexis, Maeve walks in.

"It's time," Maeve says.

"David?" He asks. A few days earlier, Lexis had called him up and asked him to bring along his pills as he was running out of them, to which he'd promised to do.

"He landed half an hour ago, they're currently running tests on the pills," Maeve states to which Lexis traces his lips nodding. 

He stands up and throws on his jacket. 

"Let's go end this game," He says buttoning up as he walks out.

                  Meanwhile at the Los Angeles international airport a bunch of federal and local authorities were standing guard watching a man from England. Once he'd arrived, they'd apprehended him searching through his luggage. Finding what they wanted, they'd taken him to another room were they told him he had to wait while they ran some tests. After waiting for about an hour, two officers step back into the room and walk towards him.

"David Spencer you are under arrest for the illegal smuggling of Xylex and Dertikloxine into the country," They say to Reid and Karens father David Spencer.

                     Back at the beach house where the rehearsal dinner and Peters announcement to run for the presidential race was to be done, Maeve locks up the outer door leading to the respective rooms containing Reid, Lea, Nathan  and Karen unbeknownst to them.

"Remember, under no circumstance are you to open this door," Maeve says, to which the guards she'd newly contracted nod. 

A few days back, Lexis had the doors and locks changed keeping the master and spare keys while also getting a new company to handle the wedding rehearsals security. 

Lexis walks into his dads room and seats down next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asks.

Lexis leans forward unlocking his fingers. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath letting it out as he opens his eyes.

"Do you have anything you'd like to tell me?" Lexis asks.

Peter looks at him and glances back at his papers.

"What would I have to tell you?" Peter asks focusing on the papers.

"I don't know, where do I want you to start from? The fact that for the past five years you've been lying to me? The fact that you fed me with drugs to enforce amnesia? Or the fact that five years later you're still as manipulative and unapologetic?" Lexis asks.

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