Chapter 7

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Serenity P.O.V

"Diana Lucker was found and arrested last night, them same night where Patrick Stump and Serenity Tomlinson were both shot along with the kidnapping of Diana kids. Diana won't be sentenced to trial in 4 months" said the news reporter and I sighed "She gave up just like that?" Said Pete and I nodded.

They showed a video of mom getting arrested and she looked like she was about to cry "You were right. She looked awful" he said "I wonder if Patrick will even make it. Imagine he wakes up and realize his best friend is in prison" I said "Those 2 are so close. They abuse each other and have fights but they are there for each other no matter what" he said

"Along with her and dad. They have pretty heated arguments sometimes but they still love each other. Also me and Connor sometimes but that's just life you know?" I said

Diana P.O.V

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!!!" I yelled as the guy held to his now broken nose on the ground. It hasn't been a day yet, and I already being assaulted by perverted prisoners. I walked to the other end of the cafeteria and sat down on a empty table. "Diana you have a visitor" said one of the police.

"Who is it? Unless it's my family or friends I don't want to see them" I said "His name is Pete" he said "Let's go" I said standing up and he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the visiting area. We got there and saw other families visiting as well. The policeman left and I started looking around for Pete.

I saw him sitting at a table looking down in his phone. I lightly smile before walking towards him. He looked up and smiled when he saw me "Well you look better. Except for the side of your head that's still bloody" he said "Killing innocent people makes you go really crazy, also if they were your best friend or family" I said looking down.

"I know Patrick very well like you do and he'll be happy that it was him who died not your daughter. He cares about her a lot" he said as I sat down. "How's Louis?" I said "Trying to contact everyone to help look for your kids. Also to help prove your innocence" he said "The proving my innocence won't work. I've killed people that were in my way for no reason at all. If I stayed out there any longer I swore I would've lost my mind even more" I said.

"That why you turned yourself in. You didn't gave up, you just wanted to like calm down and this was your only solution?" He said and I nodded "I know for a fact that it was Vince who framed me and have to work with my sister and Kiara as well. It couldn't be Serenity or my bullies. They're not smart enough" I said.

"Watch you won't be here for long" he said "How do you know? This prison literally watch you like a hawk" I said "My man boobs are feeling it" he said and I laughed "Still have that amazing smile everyone loves" he said "Can you tell Louis that I'm okay and could try to at least visit once?" I said and he nodded.

"He wanted to tag a long but he was afraid you'll bitch slap him for loosing sight of the kids since he knows how angry you can get" he said and l laughed "I would never do that since he wouldn't have prevented that either way. Just tell him that" I said

"You sure you're okay?" He said and I slowly nodded "Also if Patrick dies don't bother telling me cause I don't want to go on a rampage here since I won't handle his death very well" I said and he nodded "You're a good person and I know that. There's no way that was the real you when killing those people" he said

"I don't even know anymore. If I get sentenced guilty when I go into trial I'm life in prison here" I said "You still do that weird eye twitch when you lie huh?" He said and I nodded "That's how Serenity figured me out. Why?" I said "I think I can get that Vince guy in jail for framing you" he said.

"I'm so lost here but I don't wanna know" I said "You don't need to. I've got this" he said before leaving.

Okay then...

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