Chapter Seventy Eight- Lyra.

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"Holy crap," I say, quickly sitting up from my sleeping spot. "I get married today." A smile creeps up onto my face, and I stand. "I get married today! Come on, guys! Wake up! It's wedding day!"

"...Lyra, what time is it?" Rey asks sleepily, while Rose covers her head with a pillow.

"It's wedding time!" I reply, Rey and Rose glare at me. "Oh, sorry. It's 7:35AM."

They both sigh.


"I can't believe you guys are actually getting married today!" Rose states, sitting down and slipping her dress shoes on.

"I know!" I exclaim. "Gosh, it feels like only yesterday Poe was getting down on one knee and asking me to marry him. Now ... we're getting married!"

"It took me by surprise." Mom says, laughing slightly. "I was not expecting that at all."

"I wasn't, either." I admit. "I wasn't expecting a proposal for a long time - if ever. But I'm glad we're getting married now instead of later on, especially since we have Stella."

Suddenly, my papa walks through the doors, and we all turn to him.

"It's time," he states, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes, he reaches a hand out for me to take. "you ready, Star?"

I nod.


As my papa walks me down the aisle, I notice Poe, standing up there with watery eyes. I smile at him. Today I get to marry the person I love.

Meanwhile, Stella sucks her thumb, sound asleep with her head rested on Rey's shoulder as she's held.

Finally we reach the alter. Papa kisses my cheek lightly, and then turns to Poe.

"If you ever hurt her, Jyn will murder you." He warns, I give him a slight glare and then he walks away.

The ceremony continues as expected, and finally it's time for our vows.

"Lyra, we've been best friends our whole entire life." Poe begins. "Never did I expect to actually fall in love with you. Yet, I did. You've always been the strongest and most stubborn person, and I love that about you."

Now it's my turn.

"Poe, when I came back after spending two years spying on the first order, I didn't expect to find all these feelings for you that weren't there before." I begin. "In that moment, I realized how much I missed you, and how I didn't want spend another second apart from you. Poe, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. You're already such an amazing father to Stella, and I know, if it's even possible, you'll just improve as the years pass. I love you with all my heart, and I can't imagine life without you, you idiot."

Poe laughs slightly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride!"

Poe pulls me closer, and we kiss.

We break apart, and Rey and Rose bring Stella to us. Poe gladly takes her, and she breaks out in giggles.

I look at Poe and then to Stella. The fact I get to spend the rest of my life married to him, and that together we get to raise this beautiful little girl, is so unreal.

I wouldn't trade it for the galaxy.

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