Chapter Thirty Nine- Cassian.

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"You, Lyra Kimberly Andor!"

Lyra turns around quickly, facing her mother and I. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Giving us that stupid teenage attitude.

"What papa?"

"What's this I hear about you calling Kyra 'crazy' and a 'monster'?" Jyn asks, crossing her arms like Lyra. "Is this true?"

"So you heard?" She asks.

"That's not the question you should be asking right now." I tell her. "Answer your mother. Right. Now."

"Huh, fine." She surrenders. "I did call her crazy and a monster. But I was angry and worried for Rose. I did it to protect my friend."

"Isn't Rey your friend?" Jyn asks. "At one time, wasn't she like your baby sister? Didn't you actually call her your baby sister once?"

"Yes! I did! But I also called Rose my baby sister." Lyra admits. "And Rose is more of a baby sister then Rey is. Rose didn't leave."

"How many people will it take for you to stop using that against her?" I ask. "Finn told you, Leia told you, do I have to tell you now, too?"

"I know she couldn't help it and I also know she went through hell!" Lyra says. "But she did force choke Rose. And she did almost cut Finn's leg off! He's lucky he still has both of them!"

"Lyra, I've never met someone so stubborn in my whole entire life. And that's saying something. I married your mom!" I tell her. "What else is bothering her?"


"I know you're lying." Jyn replies. "So I'm going to be just as stubborn as you."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell us." Jyn smirks. "What's bothering you? What's bothering you? Hey, hey Lyra, what's bothering you?"

"Lyra Lyra Lyra!" I say.

Lyra glares at us as we continue.

"What if we lose her like we lost Ben?" She finally says.

Jyn and I stop.

"What if she's not completely back yet? What if she turns?!" She asks. "What if she ends up killing someone in the base?! How do we know she's trustworthy?"

"So many questions." Jyn mutters, then sighs. "Lyra, we know she won't turn, because she has feelings. She's sad. She's upset. She feels like everyone hates her. You know when your father and his droid brought me to the rebellion after they rescued me from the empire? I was treated like crap. It wasn't as bad, of course, but I still was judged. And that hurt. It made me feel terrible. I just didn't show it."

"You told me that." Lyra mutters. "And I already apologized. So I'm not apologizing again."

"Lose the attitude." I tell her. "What are you ... fifteen?"

"Your dad's right." Jyn replies. "You're thirty years old. You should know how to act."

"Thirty and a half. My birthday is next month." She reminds.

"Thirty and a half." I roll my eyes. "Now how about you apologize. Just you. Not Poe or anyone. You go in there and tell them 'I'm sorry'. Alright?"

She doesn't answer.

"If you don't say yes then I will have Kay slap you."

"Yes, papa, yes mom." She says quickly.

"Oh, and speaking of Poe," Jyn says, peeking back into the room. "if you ever end up dating, and he breaks your heart, I'll kill him."

"MOM!" Lyra shouts. "Papa, tell her to stop."

"I'm with her on this." I admit. "Bye, Star,"

"Bye papa,"


"Luke, I heard about what Lyra said," Jyn says. "I'm so sorry. She should not have said that. Is there anyway I could make it up to you? How is Kyra?"

"You could give me the last thirteen years back." Luke mumbles.

"I only have ten credits." Jyn replies.

"Well, Rey still isn't talking to me." Luke says. "She isn't even talking to Finn, which is saying something. She's training nonstop now, too. So not very good."

"Gosh," I say. "I don't know what all she said to her, but whatever it was, it's terrible. Rey doesn't deserve that."

"She thinks she does." Luke states. "She think she deserves that, and any bad thing that may happen to her in the future. I'm really worried for her."

"What's up with superheroes always blaming themselves?" I think aloud.



"Is there anyway I could talk to her?" Jyn asks.

"Like I said, she isn't talking to Finn." Luke says. "I doubt she'll talk to anyone else."

"Yeah," Jyn nods. "but maybe I could at least get her talking to you. When I was eight my mom was killed and my dad was taken from me. I practically raised myself. So maybe I could help."

"You know," Luke says after taking a minute to think. "that may be a good idea. Thanks, Jyn."

"That's what I'm here for - well, that and beating people up and or telling someone off."

Luke chuckles. "You know where she is."

"I actually don't." Jyn states. "Is she in her bunk? Is she training? What?"

"Currently in her bunk."

"Her bunk is near Lyra's, right?"


"Okay, I'm going. Bye Luke."

"Bye Jyn."

Luke turns to me. "So, want to hang out?"

"I guess."

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang