Chapter Seventy Seven- Finn.

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"So, you're really getting married?" I ask, helping Caden with his tie, Poe nods. "Wow, I mean, no one even knew you guys were dating, now you have a daughter and in two days you're going to be married. This is very confusing and exciting all at the time time."

"Yeah, I just wish we would've done our wedding shopping sooner." Poe states. "Lyra's going to kill me. She had everything for her done two weeks ago."

"I highly doubt she'll kill you." Caden says. "Maybe. It is a possibility. But I doubt she will."

"Don't worry about her killing you," Cassian says. "you should be more worried about Jyn and I killing you. Because we would. If you ever harmed her in anyway."

"..Okay," Poe nods. "well, I hope you'll never have to do that."

"I hope you'll never hurt her."

"Ughh!" I say. "Can we stop talking about killing Poe? It's just not right."

"Yeah," Caden agrees. "it's kind of scary."

I nod in agreement.

"This suit is okay." Poe states. "You like it?"

"Yeah." Cassian nods. "It's nice."

"Well, great." Poe replies. "I have my suit picked out."


"Since it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, we're taking Lyra to my bunk for a bridal sleepover." Rose explains. "It's going to be so fun! The last time we had a sleepover with all three of us was when Rey and I were four and five, and Lyra was sixteen."

"So ... you're excited?" Poe asks, she nods.

"Yep!" She exclaims. "Now, I have to go. See you guys at the wedding!"

"Alright, bye!" I say, waving at her as she walks off.

"You know what, I should probably get ready for bed." Poe states. "But first I have to check on Stella. I know she'll be fine, especially since Leia and Han are watching her."

And then he walks off.

I go back to my bunk, ready for the next day.

Quick note: I was only in a wedding once. My older sister and I were the flower girl for our Aunt. We were four and seven. So I don't remember what weddings are like exactly. Sorry if not everything is accurate.

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