Chapter nineteen- Cassian.

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"I'll meet you on the ship." Kay told us earlier today, right after the argument that occurred at the resistance meeting that morning.

Right now the base is basically split into two teams. The side who wants to fight and the side who wants to get up and abandon the base. We of course, chose to fight. To give us a fighting chance in surviving.

The reason we left? Because Kay apparently knows some people who may be willing to help in this fight. Though I highly doubt that, we still listen. I still think it's a plot to kill us or it is just a group of droids. No way that'll help.

Jyn is sad that Lyra wasn't allowed to come. Kay made it quite obvious he didn't want her or any of her sticky fingered friends around. He told me it just how I explained it. Sticky fingered. He must still think they're those little 2 year olds who climbed all over him.

I still think he misses those days.

I decide to get up and see how much longer we have. We already told the base we'd be back in time to fight. I just hope we can fulfill our promises.

I walk to the cockpit to see Kay, the droid who refused to let me help, telling me 'you need rest. By the time you see who it is you may faint. There's 78% chance of that happening you know.'

"Are we almost there?" I ask, he turns his head toward me. Then he puts his focus back on the driving the ship.

"We'll be there when we get there."

"Yeah, sure. I just want to know where we're going and when we'll get there." I tell him.

"What's your point?" He asks.


"Oh, I see. Well not to burst your bubble, but, I can't tell you. But believe me, whenever we get there you'll be surprised. And happy. You may even cry a little." He warns. "There's a ninety percent chance of that happening and a ten percent chance of it not."

"I doubt I'll cry." I laugh, annoyed at the droid.

"There's a hundred percent chance you're wrong."

I sigh then turn back around, just as I'm about to leave I talk, "Can you at least, tell me if I know them."

"You knew them."

"Thank you."

"You may not be too happy to see them at first. That'll pass."

"Thanks for the warning. Anything else?"

"I missed them. I missed you, too." He says, I'm confused at his words. "When you two 'died'. I missed you. Even though I wasn't active yet. I could still feel things."

I turn around with a wide smile on my face. "Don't be a lunatic. I've said nice things before." He says. I turn back around and walk back to my seat. Jyn notices my smile and mimics me. Smiling just as wide and just as stupid. I laugh.

"Okay, okay, quit it. I know I look like a lunatic. Kay already told me."

"Good. Now I don't have to tell you." Jyn says. "Are we there yet?"


"Are we almost there?"

"Probably not,"

"Did he at least tell you who we are meeting?"

"Uh, no, but he said we may cry." I reply.

"Okay.. cool. I guess."


Two hours pass. Jyn has dozed off and I am looking out the window. Kay hasn't updated us in quite awhile. Slightly worried. Still think he's going to kill us.

While I'm staring out the window. Kay walks in.

"Why aren't you flying!?" I shout.

"We landed." He replies.


Jyn wakes up. "Hey- wait! Why isn't he-"

"We're here."



We walk out of the ship to see a cold, snowy planet. I go back in the ship to get my coat, just to see Jyn has already taken it. She smirks at me, knowing I was looking for it. I sigh.

"You couldn't have warned us it would be so freezing?!"

"Didn't feel like it, captain."

"You know you can be a real idiot?!" Jyn asks.

"That's why I'm around." Kay responds.

"Don't fight. Let's get this over with." I say.


We've been walking for what feels like hours. Kay stops and stares in the distance occasionally. I believe he's looking for these so called people who will help.

We stumble upon a small house, Kay scans it then begins to walk in. Jyn and I stare at each other, wondering if he knows where we are. We follow anyway.

In the inside, it's decorated poorly. I assume whoever lives or lived here must not have much money. It has a small corner table with a plant on top. Some toys scatter the floors. They look like older toys. A smaller couch faces the window. And there's a small hallway, I assume that leads to the other rooms.

On the walls halos decorate them. Most include a little boy. The others have a girl, she's about in her thirties. Maybe early forties. She looks shockingly similar to the little boy. Most likely his mother.

One of the halos includes a man. A man that looks familiar. I just can't put my finger on it. I feel I know him. Seeing him actually makes me sad. Depressed.

I look over at Jyn, she's also staring at the man in the picture. Her eyes look watery, like they're threatening to drop a tear. "We..we know him.." she mumbles.

Just as I'm about to respond, the door opens. The man from the picture stands in front of us. He looks angry, but his anger is replaced with sadness. And, shockingly, relief.

"Jyn? Cassian?" He says, his eyes looking sad. "'s you!"

Jyn is confused. Maybe I'm confused too. I don't know. I know him. But I don't.

"You remember me? Right?" He asks, suddenly worried. "It's Bodhi!"

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