Chapter Thirteen- Rey.

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"You changed your hair!" Finn says, I stare at him, wanting to know his opinion. I haven't seen my hair yet, for all I know it looks like Chewbacca's, but shorter. "It looks great!" He says, I smile widely. Thank goodness.

"Thank you!" I reply. "New jacket?"

"Nope, same jacket." He answers. "Different shirt."

I nod, "Ooh, looks good!" I say.

"Thank you!"

"How've you been?" I ask, awkwardly. Things feel different now.

"Good, except the fact I have to deal with my annoying-"

"FINN!" A voice shouts, beeps following behind.

"Friend.. um, Rey, this is Poe, Poe, this is Rey." Finn introduced. "He's the one who owns BB-8." That name, his face, have I met him?

"Nice to meet you." I say, looking at the familiar face.

"Your the force sensitive Jedi girl?" Poe asks. I look at him, confused.

"I'm no Jedi, but yes, I am force sensitive."

"You are!?" Finn says, shocked. "I saw the lightsaber fly up into the air. But I just thought I was hallucinating! You-your force sensitive! That's how you escaped!"

"Yeah. Oooh! Wait! I want you to meet my master, Luke!" I say, excitedly.

Finn is basically fangirling at this point. I nod along and smile. "THAT IS AWESOME!" He screams.

"Okay, okay, now do you want to meet Luke or not?" I ask, cross armed. "We're losing daylight people!"

"Alright! I'm so excited."

"Poe? Are you coming?" I ask, stopping in my tracks.

"No, I have to finish some repairs on BB-8." He replies, walking away. "See yah later."

I shrug then walk away. He looks so familiar. Where have I seen him?


Finn and I shout, "Luke! Luke!" as we run through base, looking for my master. We finally find him, standing by Leia, both looking around, confused. "There you are!" I say, slightly out of breath from running.

"Did you need something, Rey?" Luke asks in his regular Jedi voice, it gets annoying sometimes.

"No, I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Finn," I say, pointing to Finn, who is totally fangirling inside. Oh, Finn.

"Hello, master Skywalker, I'm Finn." Finn greets, calmly. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too," Luke replies. "Are you two dating?"

I blush lightly, in the corner of my eye I see Finn also blushing. Oh crap.

"No! Luke! We're friends! And why would you care?"

"No reason. Just asking."

"Um, okay, if you guys wouldn't mind, I have General stuff to get to." Leia says, exiting the very awkward conversation.

"And I have.. Jedi...stuff to get to?" Luke says, embarrassed. He awkwardly walks away. "See you two later."

Finn sighs, "Uh.. okay? I should probably get going, I have some research to do.." he says, obviously lying.


That night Leia threw a party for Luke and I returning. There was food, desserts, and even some presents. I never have been to a party, so it was interesting to witness. The party ended and we were shown to our "rooms". My room is a light pink, flowers decorated the end table, and a small mirror hung from the wall, with a bed sitting in the corner. It actually looked cozy. Which is something I'm not used to.

I fell asleep quickly, this bed was comfier than the one at Luke's guest "house".

While I slept, I heard a loud noise, causing me to jump out of bed. I look through the windows to see a ship, completely crashed on the floor of the outside base. I run out of my room to see a group of people, confused by the noise. We run outside and see the ship is actually a TIE-fighter. Uh oh. We're in trouble.

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now