Chapter Sixty Five- Cassian.

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"Help! We need help!" A familiar voice screams, I immediately recognize it as Poe Dameron; Lyra's best friend and childhood crush.

Jyn and I glance at each other, wondering why he isn't out there fighting with Lyra and Rose and their other friend.

Did he get hurt?

I ask myself.

He doesn't sound like he's terribly injured.

And what does he mean by 'we'?

Answering our questions, Poe quickly rushes in, carrying an injured and unconscious Lyra in his arms. Her face is terribly bruised and pale, and blood stains her clothes.

"Lyra," I gasp at the horrible sight.

Jyn and I stand in shock, watching as Poe places her limp form on the gurney that the medics had, at one point, placed near him.

"Please, save her." Poe pleads to one of the medics.

They nod, and rush her to the infirmary.

Poe places his hands on his head, pacing around the main room.

"What happened?!" I demand, walking towards him, staring directly into his tear welled eyes.

"I was- she flew-" Poe stutters, in attempt to explain what's going on, he takes a deep breath. "A TIE-fighter shot at me. She flew in front of it and saved me. Her X-wing crashed and I brought her here. I'm so sorry, it should've been me-"

"-Poe, calm down." I order. "You feel it is your fault - I understand that - but neither you or her deserve any of this. Okay?"

Poe sighs. "Okay,"

"Now, you should probably get your injury checked out." Jyn states, he stares hee with a confused expression painted across his face.

I nod to the blaster wound on his right shoulder.

"Oh," he says, looking down, surprised. "I didn't notice that- um..."

That's when he passes out from blood loss and exhaustion from the battle.


We sit at Lyra's bedside, waiting for her to open her eyes.

After Jyn pointed out Poe had been shot, they took him to the infirmary as well.

Thankfully they said all he needed was a small blood transfusion and some rest, and that he'd probably be back on his feet soon.

Right after that, a medic came with an update on Lyra.

She has quite a few cracked ribs, a sprained ankle, a concussion, and a busted lip.

But other then all that, she should make a complete recovery and will hopefully be released from the infirmary within the next three days.

Suddenly she stirs, and her eyes open.

"Hey..." we greet, leaning closer to her bed.

"How are you feeling?" Jyn asks calmly.

"...Sore." She answers simply, and falls back asleep.

We aren't too worried about her losing consciousness again. They said it's normal and it should soon pass. She needs all the rest she can get at the moment.

I just hope this is the last and worst injury in this battle.

We can't afford to lose anymore resistance members.

Or family, for that matter.

Here it is! A new chapter posted only hours after the last.

I was going to make this chapter either Kylo's point of view or Rey's, but I felt it'd be sort of nice to show what Cassian and Poe think of each other, just because...

Now, thank you SO MUCH for reading, voting, and commenting!

Like stated in the last chapter, if you too were deeply disappointed in The Last Jedi, then there is a petition going around so Disney can change a few things. DM me if you'd like to sign this petition

(please note, no I'm not being a spoiled brat, I just don't like when people take something
wonderful and happy and make it terrible and sad.)

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