Chapter seventeen- Rey.

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"They're coming."

I can't see his reaction, I can only imagine it. I imagine he's confused, most likely, angry. I can't turn around and explain everything at this moment, no matter how much I'd like to, I know I can't. But he deserves a warning, one little word so he doesn't go crazy. So, I say, "they're coming,". Not much, I know. But that's all I have time for. At least, until I get to Luke, then I'll make things more clear.

Finally, he speaks, "What does that mean, Rey?" he asks. "Rey!"

We reach the base. I run through the doors to see Leia, talking to a very concerned Luke. I guess I forgot he gets visions too.

"Luke? What's wrong? Did you see it too?" I ask, out of breath. Luke nods in reply, Finn looks even more angry then before.

"Yeah, yeah, I did." Luke speaks, now Finn is losing his mind. Probably.

"We need to prepare. Now." Leia says.

Poe and his friends burst through the doors. Angry expressions on all their faces. We have lots of explaining to do. And that is something I'm not looking forward to.

"Hey! Next time you abandon your friends. Give them a warning!" Poe shouts, also out of breath. BB rolls in shortly after, making a noise that both Poe and I seem to understand.

"Don't be rude!" I say to the droid, who seems to be just as annoyed as everyone else in this room (besides Luke and Leia).

"He's right! You shouldn't have left-- you understand him?" Poe replies.

"Yeah, I also understand Chewy." I answer. "But that isn't the point!"

"You're right! The point is why the heck you ran off!" Finn says.

I sigh in reply, though I know I'm the one needing to explain. Don't understand why Luke can't. He's capable of talking now. "The First Order. They're coming. And soon." I say.

They look stunned. They don't speak. They don't move. If I didn't know better I'd say they died or they're in carbon freeze. I know they aren't, but I just like to make things up.

"First Order?" Poe says, breaking the silence. "First Order. What do you mean First Order? Did I hear you right? Guys? Did I hear her right?"

"It's either that or all of our hearing is bad." Rose cuts in.

"We need to fight." Luke says, almost immediately.

"Pretty sure we heard them right." Finn says. "That stinks.."

"Wait-- we have to fight? But.. Ben... we can't fight him. He's our friend." Lyra says. "He's family."

"Ben is gone." Luke says. "And it's my fault."

"He isn't gone!" Leia snaps. "He's trapped. That's why we need to fight. We need to fight for him. We need to bring him back."

"And we will." A voice cuts in, we turn around to see Jyn. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.."

"Hey mom.. wait.. where's dad?" Lyra says, noticing her father isn't present at the moment.

"He is with Kay. That dumb droid won't quit arguing." Jyn says, Lyra looks relieved. "And what are you talking about? I heard Leia say we needed to bring him back. I honestly have no idea who we need to bring back. I assumed Han, but then I remembered he died, but then I remembered that you guys thought Cassian and I died.. a whole bunch of people cried.. some still crying to this day.. thankfully some people were able to bring us back.. and well.. we aren't dead. Maybe Han isn't dead, maybe someone can bring him back, but till then, I believe your talking about Ben. Am I correct?"

"Since when are you so talkative?" I cut in, they look almost shocked. "Sorry.. feel like I know you. You don't seem to be someone who talks. Though."

"It is Ky-" The group begins, but they cut theirselves off. What were they going to say?

"Who's Ky? You keep saying Ky. It's getting annoying. That's a weird name, by the way." Finn says. All of a sudden everyone seems to have forgotten about the First Order. Not so bright.

"Okay! Anyway. We have a lot of work to do." Luke cuts in. "Let's get to the point. No speaking. Lyra, Poe, and Rosie, go make a plan together. But don't talk about anything else. I'm not asking either. And Leia, you with Jyn and Cassian, think of a plan. Quickly. Finn, you're force sensitive. You work with Rey and I."

"I'm what?!" Finn shouts.

"He's what!" The rest of the group shouts, including Rey.


"Rey? Are you still in there?" Poe says, though he just met me he already seems to know me very well.

"I haven't been this excited since I bypassed the compressor on the Millennium Falcon!"

"WE CAN TRAIN TOGETHER!" This time, it's Finn. We're screaming, cheerfully, together.

Everyone, especially Poe, looks shocked. Luke is definitely laughing inside. I can tell. And then I start becoming very embarrassed at how I reacted. Everyone probably thinks I'm like that now. Crap..

"Sorry." I say. "Never been to school, never had anyone to learn with. I'm excited!"

"Me neither! Unless you count the stormtrooper thing. But everyone was older than me and they were rude." Finn says. "Not fun."

"You're friends are depressing." Lyra says to Poe, he chuckles.

"Shut up! So we get excited about things that normal people wouldn't. So what? So we didn't have regular childhoods? Who cares! And now I'm getting what you meant." I say. "Wow.. we are depressing."

"That's fine! We can be depressing together!"

"Ever notice how messed up everyone's lives are?" Poe says. "Barely any of us have parents who are alive. Some never even met them.

"Some have siblings they didn't know about. Some have evil parents." Lyra adds. "Thankfully I have awesome parents."

"Can we please get to the point? We have to train. And now." Luke snaps.


"Great, now. Finn and Rey, meet me near the cliff on the west side of the planet tomorrow. We need somewhere quiet. Leia, we can finish planning Han's funeral now. You guys can stay or you guys can go make plans."

"I think we should stay." Rose adds.

"He was nice."

"Almost like father like.. maybe an Uncle.. he was still like the family I never had."

Sorry this is so short and stupid. I couldn't think of much but I know I needed to write something.

Before I end this little note I wanted to tell you all what I've been up to.

Basically my older sister got me obsessed with Sherlock, The Flash, and Marvel (specifically Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers.)

So I've been watching that stuff.

(P.S.) I totally recommend Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, it's awesome and Groot is the cutest thing you'll ever see!

I also recommend Sherlock.

And the Flash.

Also, Star Wars, but I'm assuming you've seen it since you're reading this.

(The big stuff is coming soon, I promise.)

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now