Chapter eighteen- Poe.

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Life has been crazy.

Rey is apparently Luke's long lost daughter, but to make it worse is he never told her. We have to keep it all a secret. And whenever we almost spoil it, I swear Luke starts choking us with an invisible hand until we quit speaking about it. Finn doesn't even have any idea about Rey and her past, apparently. And Rey doesn't seem to either.

Finn is force-sensitive apparently. That is quite interesting and now I feel like everyone is around me force-sensitive. He almost died using a lightsaber and now Luke wants to train him with one. He also has a very noticeable crush on Rey. Anytime she's around he blushes. He also laughs at any joke she makes. Worse thing is she does the same. They like each other and they don't even seem to notice it.

I now have a crush on Lyra. I always liked her but since she came back I kinda love her. Oddest thing, I think she likes me too.
Maybe it's cause we went so long without seeing each other. Or maybe we do like each other. Maybe we're just like Finn and Rey. Have crushes on each other just never say anything. Who knows? All I know is life is complicated.

Rosie seems to be handling everything very well. Though Nathan was her brother, well, kinda. After her parents died in a ship crash a few years back Ezra and his wife took her in. They basically adopted her. Nathan was barely around, but they were close as young kids. After Ezra and his wife divorced when he was 4, Nathan stayed with his dad. Rosie stayed with his mother at the resistance. Ezra then supposably died and Nathan came back when he was 7, two days after Kyra was abandoned. He barely knew Ben and Kyra, but he did get along with them for the short time he knew them. But Rose kinda learned to block things out after her parents died and Kyra was abandoned on Jakku.

That stuff seems like a lot. And it is. You may think that's all. But it isn't.


Because the First Order is coming. And soon. According to Luke and Rey. We have to train. We have to fight. I have to fight my best-childhood-friend. And I really don't want to.

I know not all of us will make it out alive, which is the worst part. Luke is more skilled in his training. Rey is still learning. And Finn hasn't even began yet. If anyone is to die in the battle with Snoke, it will be Rey or Finn. Or worse. It'll be both of them.

That might throw all of us over the edge.

We can't lose Finn, he's family now.
And Kyra just came back. She's still that little six year old girl with the toothless grin to me. If she died, my lil cousin would die. And she isn't even my cousin. She's a friend that I took in as a cousin. Then I lost her.

I can't lose anymore people.


At the moment we're planning Han's funeral. Then we'll figure out a plan and then begin our training to make the plan possible. Jyn and Cassian decided to chip in. Cassian almost spoiled Rey being Luke's daughter and all. Thankfully she wasn't paying enough attention to listen. Though I think it would've been interesting and made this funeral thing less depressing if she heard.

I don't know why Luke won't tell her. The longer he waits the harder it'll be. She may even turn.

That'd suck.

Lyra's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, "Poe, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? You look like you're thinking about something important. Can you tell me what it is?"

"Nothing.. just Rey." I say. "I think she's Kyra. Actually, I don't. I know she is."

"I do too." Lyra replies, sitting next to me. "We all do. Just not her, or Finn. That's why we keep it a secret. Doesn't matter how hard it is."

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