Chapter Sixty Two- Rey.

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"What the even heck!" Lyra shouts, running into the room, Kay trailing behind. "What do you mean there's a 89.8% chance that if I were to ever be in a relationship that it would fail miserably? Gosh you're so annoying! Your accent and everything!"

"You do realize you have the same accent, right?" Caden asks, I nod.

"Well, so do you guys!" She shouts.

"Can't argue with that."

"You make a good point."

"Aww, why are you complaining about your accents?" Finn asks. "I wish I sounded like you guys."

"HAHAHA!" I laugh. "Could you imagine a stormtrooper with an ours?"

"I just imagined it!" Lyra chuckles, soon becoming more serious. "But seriously, Kay, I will shut you down."

"You guys should get droids that can't speak." Poe states. "They're so quiet."

"And sweet." I add. "I remember when I found BeeBee on Jakku. Poor thing was so scared! He begged me not to turn him in to Unkar Plutt. I'm so happy I didn't."

"You almost gave my son away to some stranger?" Poe asks, offended.

"No no, I wasn't going to." I insist. "I mean, I was going to but I didn't. And also, Unkar Plutt wasn't exactly a stranger, more so an enemy. Sooo."

"Well, he's a stranger to me." Poe states. "And I really hope it sticks that way."

"I do to." I reply. "But then again, I'd love to force choke him, once or twice. Maybe three times?"

"You know how Unkar is your enemy?" Finn asks.

"I literally just said that.." I say. "But, yeah."

"Well, Phasma was my enemy growing up." Finn replies. "Gosh I hated her. She was such a monster. Since she was one of the older stormtroopers in training, she was sort of in charge of me. She was supposed to look out for me. She didn't, instead she just bullied me. She'd call me so many names."

"I also had an enemy." Rose announces. "Gosh I hated her."

"Uh oh, are you talking about Alexis Gellar again?" Lyra asks.

"She was such a monster." Rose continues. "Her family moved to the base after Rey was left on Jakku. She was five years older then me. I myself have always been ... shorter. And so she'd always knock me down or use me as an armrest. When I'd be upset and miss Rey, she'd just make fun of me and say 'they probably got rid of your friend because she was such a loser like you' or 'she probably just ran away because how lame you are'. She also had this little brother. He was sweet. She just tortured him. His name was Liam. They stayed at the base for about four months, but moved. I knew they wouldn't last long."

"I remember her. She was awful." Poe says. "I hated just being the same species as her."

"Did you have any bullies?" Finn asks.

"Uh, yes." Poe replies. "There was Ryan-"

"-Reynolds? As in ... Deadpool?" I ask. "I mean, sure he breaks the fourth wall a lot and his character does kill, but I honestly can't see him as a bully.."

"Not Ryan Reynolds - who is Ryan Reynolds anyway? Never mind. It doesn't matter." Poe states. "Now. Like I was saying. The person who bullied me was named Ryan Quill."

"Quill!" Finn gasps. "...Peter Quill?"

"Finn, no." I say. "They have different first names. If anything, they're related. Oh gosh, were they related?"

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now