Chapter Forty Five- Finn.

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It's not a bad silence, but it's also not a good silence either. It's the type of silence that makes you uncomfortable yet somehow calm. Like you're relieved nobody's talking because you're processing what just happened, but at the same time you really want someone to talk so they can take your mind off of everything.

Part of me wants to speak. To end this silence.

But I don't.

Because I know if I do I'll have to make conversation.

And I'm not very great at doing that.

I'm actually the worst at doing that.

I'm perhaps the most awkward person you'd ever talk to when it comes to something like this.

Now I know I don't have a special connection with this place like Lyra, or Poe, or Rose, or even Rey have with it.

But I'll still really miss it.

No, I wasn't raised there. I haven't even been there for a year!

I woke up there. I was lost. They welcomed me.

And now I feel like I'm leaving a part of me behind.

Gosh, what have I become?

When I was a stormtrooper, I was taught not to grow attached to things. They were just objects. Things that aren't useful on the battlefield.

Heaven forbid you have any humanly connections to anything.

I can't tell you how much I hated that place.

I'm so glad I'm not there anymore.

Finally someone breaks the silence.

"The second base - I mean - our new base. What is it like?" Lyra asks. "Is it nice or what?"

Leia sighs. "Well, some of you might not like it."


"I don't like it." Bodhi states, stepping off of the ship. "When you guys came and got me, you didn't mention we'd be going back here."

"Look, I'm not too thrilled, either." Jyn says. "But it's all we got."

"Jyn, it's Scarif!" Bodhi snaps. "Remember, Scarif?! The place which we almost died at? The place Baze and Chirrut - our friends - died at? How can you guys be okay with this?"

"We're not!" Cassian insists. "But we'll do anything to protect our daughter. And we know you'd do the same for your son."

"Okay, guys, let's not fight." Leia states. "This brings back some painful memories for you all. I understand that. But let's not turn against each other, please."

"Wait a minute - this is Scarif?" Lyra asks. "I've heard about it. Just never saw it. It's pretty ... pretty depressing. I didn't mean it's pretty or anything ... I have to go."

"Ughhh ... sand." Rey sighs. "Why does it have to be sand?! It's coarse."

"Rough." Luke adds.


"And it gets everywhere."

Luke and Rey say at the same time.

"You can tell they're related." Poe smirks, getting a slight glare from Rey and Luke "I'll go."

"Probably a good idea." Rose says. "I'll come!"

"Me too!" C.J. says, following the others.

I glance at Rey.

"Want to hang out with them?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Sure, why not?"


"Sooo much sand..." Rey says, scanning our surroundings. "Why is there so much sand?"

"It is a paradise planet." Lyra states. "It only makes sense."

"At least this planet has water - unlike Jakku ..." I trail, remembering that terrible planet, which had the small fountain that the creature thing drank out of ... and so did I.


"Okay," I say, shaking those thoughts out of my head. "where should we hang out at?"

"The beach?" Rose suggests.

"Nah, my parents almost died on that beach." Lyra says. "I don't think it'd be very nice."

"Plus ... all that sand."

"Stop talking before you become a meme." Poe says.

"Okay, well, if the beach is a no, then where do we go?" C.J. asks.

"Well, Dr. Seuss, we could always try our bunks." Lyra suggests. "Like, they're cool. They have a small table with chairs. Like a little hotel room. I'm sure they're the same from our last ones."

"Yeah, I bet you're right."


"The bunks are basically the same." Rose states. "The only thing different is the view and the colors."

"Yeah, it's like a little vacation." Lyra says. "Despite the fact my parents were almost killed here and developed something called post traumatic stress dis-"

"Stop bringing that up." I say. "It's just depressing."

"It really is."

"I agree, it is."


"Okay - I'll stop." Lyra sighs. "So which bunk is the new hang out spot?"

"I don't know." Rose shrugs. "Mine? Maybe?"

"That'd be alright."

I look at Rey, who hasn't said a word in about fifteen minutes.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says silently. "I'm just not used to all of ... I think I'm just tired. I'm going to bed. Night, guys."

"Night, Rey."

She goes off to her bunk.

"Now THAT was weird." Poe announces.

"She does make a good point." Rose says. "We're all tired. We should go to bed."

"I agree. I'm exhausted." Lyra says.

"You're always exhausted." Poe says.

"Shut up."

"I won't shut up."

I roll my eyes at them, then turn around to go to my bunk.

"Goodnight Rosie!" I say before closing my door.

"Goodnight, Finn."

Then I turn off my lights, and fall asleep, wondering if Rey is alright.

Oooh, what's wrong with Rey? Is she really just tired? Is she dying (just kidding). Or is it something else? You'll have to wait and see!

Also, I apologize if this chapter doesn't make much sense. I just finished watching the Arrowverse Crossover for this year and I'm shook.

A huge shoutout to Real_Nola_LaRue for being the most active reader and commenter!

You guys are all amazing. Your comments bring me so much joy when I read them! Without your support, I don't know how I would be able to continue this story. Again, thanks!

- Hailee 🐞

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