Chapter Forty Four- Lyra.

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Hand in hand, Poe and I run.

One moment we were sitting down, discussing how we'd get our revenge on our friends, the next we were being shot at by TIE-fighters.

Thankfully Poe and I were basically the only ones there. So I don't think anyone was hurt.

"GUYS!" Rose shouts, her and C.J. running towards us. "It's happening. They're here."

"I know."

"Where's Rey and Finn?" Poe asks, as we continue to run.

"We haven't seen them." C.J. answers. "How about you?"

"We're the ones who asked the question." I reply. "Gosh I thought you were supposed to be a genius."


"Well isn't that helpful?"

"No time for talking." Poe states. "We have to find a ship."

"Umm, one of my ships is right here." Rose answers, getting a glare from Poe and I. "Not the time. Right."

"Alright, let's go."

"We already are going." Rose rolls her eyes.


"I know. I'm sorry."


After checking with Leia, she sent everyone to find their X-wings and told us all to meet on the second base and we'll discuss what to do when we get there.

Poe, BeeBee, and I decided we should share an X-wing.

The only problem is we have to find one that *isn't* destroyed or being used. We were going to use mine but as we were running towards it, it was blown up.

"Wait! I have one!" Poe finally exclaims, I turn to him.

"You don't say?" I say, annoyed that he didn't mention it sooner.

"I-I forgot."

"Where is it?" I ask.

"I'll show you. Come on!"

We begin to run the other way.


His ship was destroyed!

Of course it was!

I can't tell you how angry I am at him at the moment. Why didn't he mention it sooner? We could've been safe and flying right about now. He should've thought earlier.

As we are looking, I see Rey and Finn.

"Guys!" I shout, letting go of Poe's hand and running towards them. "I didn't see you earlier. Where were you?"

"At Leia's emergency meeting ... why?" Finn answers.

"We didn't see you." Poe states. "We thought something happened."

"We didn't see you, either." Rey informs. "Wonder why we didn't?"

"I don't know." I say. "What are you guys doing? Don't you have ships?"

"We're taking the millennium falcon." Finn says. "We don't want it to get destroyed, and there's not enough X-wings for everyone. You want to join us? Rose and C.J. are already inside and I think Luke are Leia coming soon."

"Sure." I answer.

We get in.

"Gosh I haven't been in this since I was nineteen..." Poe says, walking around the falcon. "It looks the same, but without Han, it feels so different."

"It almost feels ... empty." I add.

"It does.." Rose states. "I don't like it."

"You know, it's always been a dream of mine to fly in Han Solo's millennium falcon." C.J. says. "I just always thought if I did ride in it, he'd be there. But he's not."

"Good - you're all in here." Luke says, running inside, Leia next to him. "We have to go. Now."

"Wait!" I say. "Where's my parents and K-2SO?"

"And where's my dad?!"

"They're taking their own ship." Leia answers. "They're fine."

"Okay, good," I nod, relieved.

"We will most certainly die if we do not leave now!" C3PO exclaims dramatically.

"Be quiet!" Rey, Luke, and a Leia shout to the droid.

"We're going." Rey states. "Shut up."

"I am sorry, General Organa, Mistress Rey, and Master Luke," C3PO states. "I was just stating the truth. We must go now!"

"Someone shut him up!" Luke calls back.

"On it!" Poe replies, putting a hand over the golden droids 'mouth'.

R2 makes a noise at him, and so does BeeBee.

"Not nice, BeeBee," Poe states.

Before we know it, we're taking off.

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat