Chapter Twenty Three- Kylo Ren.

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"Ren, we're coming close to our destination." Hux says, standing in the doorway, the same stupid look on his face. Gosh, I hate him.

"Okay, fine." I reply harshly. "Whatever you do, hold your fire when we get there. Don't kill anyone unless necessary. Only shoot if being shot at."

Hux rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. I hate that guy!

Don't they realize it's hard to kill family? I know I've made these choices, but it kills me to think about what I've done. There's no use in returning. Plus, my family deserves the pain. Why have children if you don't even spend a second with them? I know they were busy, but Luke and Nerra should have just took me in.

Not that I wouldn't have missed my parents..

Sometimes, don't feel like a villain, neither do I feel like a hero.

If I'm not those two, what am I?

An Anti-Hero? No, definitely not. I've done too much damage for that. Right?

I wasn't always like this, I used to be decent.

My childhood wasn't.. bad. I've got a lot of good stories, I may even have more than bad. Odd enough, I haven't experienced a good moment since I was younger.

For instance;

One day my family had a picnic. Nerra, Luke, and Kyra--Rey came. We ate and played games. It was probably the best day ever.

That was the day Rey moved something with the force for the first time, Luke and Nerra were very proud. Afterwards she made my dad do her hair, for some reason she liked how he did it.

He always put her hair in three buns, and afterwards she made him do the same thing to her doll, Daisy.

We played Jedi.

Of course, our parents didn't let us use REAL lightsabers, but they did let us play with sticks. The sticks were our lightsabers.

It was all fun and games until one of us *almost* got poked in the eye.

Thank goodness for parents.

But like I said, my childhood wasn't bad.

I just wish it could've been better.

I wish my parents spent more time with me.

I wish I didn't leave my family.

I wish I didn't turn to the dark side.

I wish I didn't kill my aunt.

But wishes never come true, and I'll have to live with my choices. No one wants me back. Of course they don't. I killed Han, I killed my dad. How can they forgive me for that?

No, Ben, you are NOT coming back. I'm Kylo Ren, Ben was weak. I killed you.

I am who I am, and I'm fine with that.



I know this chapter sucked, I just needed to write Kylo Ren's POV for the future chapters.

I'm trying to write in flashbacks from Ben's memories. How he remembers things, why he turned, his relationship with Kyra. All of it.

Also, tell me what you think of Kylo's light side?

I think it's slightly important. Since I do believe Ben could return in the movies. (Let's just hope it isn't like Anakin's death. Turning to the light THEN dying!)

Please comment down below and give me some ideas for future chapters.

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