Chapter Thirty- Rose.

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"I wonder if stars have wars?" I think aloud, walking around the planet that Luke hid on for the last thirteen years.

Finn turns to me, a confused and slightly annoyed expression painted on his face.


"Like, you know, stars ... I wonder if they ever fight." I shrug. "I'm sorry, I tend to think aloud when I'm nervous. We may continue walking now."

He nods and then sighs. "Let's go."

We decide to split up into two. Me on one side of the planet, and Finn on the other.

I search, looking for my childhood best friend.

I'm honestly pretty ticked at Luke. He called my new friend 'just a stormtrooper', which definitely isn't true, as Finn is way more than a stormtrooper. He's a friend. And used to be a son. He's someone with a dark past who's turning his life around.

As I'm thinking, I spot something in the grass.


"Finn! Finn come here!" I scream, he runs over to me.

"What?" He asks, I point to the blood. "... it's blood,"


"REY!? Where are you?"

I continue shouting her name, while Finn goes silent. "REY! Where are-"

"Rose!" He whispers, pointing to the ship in the distance. "There's her ship. She might still be here!"

"What?" I say. "REY!"

We quickly run in the direction of the ship.

"Rey!" Finn shouts again, as he's running. "We're coming for you! Hold on!"

When we reach it, however, there's no sign she's in there.

But then I hear something.


I look into the ship, seeing a bunch of bird-like creatures. They're various amounts of colors with big eyes, however, most of them are orange and brown.

"Finn," I whisper, and he turns to me.



"Oh," he says, sitting beside me. "hi little thing."

"It's not a thing it's a living being." I snap. "Hi buddy, I'm Rose. Can you talk? Have you seen our friend?"


"No?" I ask. "You don't speak our language, do you?"


"Didn't think so." I sigh. "Well, it's not safe out here for you guys. Is it? Look how dusty it is. Why don't you guys come with us?"


"I'll take that as a okay." I state. "Come on, follow us."

They do as I said, and follow Finn and I towards our ship. Apparently Rey isn't here anymore. But she was definitely here before we landed.

"Now where?" Finn asks.

"I say, let's go back home," I suggest. "Obviously Rey was kidnapped by the First Order. It's not like we can fight them on our own."

"Rose, Rey could be dead by the time we look for her." Finn snaps. "I'm not letting that happen. It's either your with me or your against me, but either way, I'm finding Rey."

"Alright," I surrender. "but first we're stopping by the base."

"Wait," Finn freezes. "you're with me?"

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now