I'm Quitting Wattpad?!!

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I feel like this app has completely fell by the waist side. I came on here back in 2013 and this shit was JUMPING. I didn't start posting on here until 2014and between 2014 and 2015 i was lit on here.

I created lots of books, was in a lot of drama. First of all, if you remember back when i was on here getting into fights and being ratchet, you a mf OG. How many of y'all remember?👀

This app really just hasn't been the same. Lots of ppl left. It turned into a graveyard damn near. I have been doing a bad job with consistency on here, but i just feel like I'm out of touch with my readers/followers.

School has been stressing me. My guidance counselor keep fucking up my college application process and there was some drama between me and her. So now i don't fwh and i have to jump through a bunch of hurdles and get help from other ppl 🙃

There's been so many fights underneath this book which is understandable. But a lot of my views has changed and it also pushes that angry black woman narrative i have been trying to avoid. I'm not sure what's going on but this app has me feeling weird.

I don't want to neglect the ones that actually gaf about me, but the overwhelming majority ain't fucking with the kid no more. Plus i don't want any of the shit that i said on here to interfere with any future successes i have going on.

I think i might be quitting y'all.
Should i? I mean this app has been my foundation and my getaway for years now. I've found other things (like my YouTube channel) to provide me with an escape. I don't know what to do.

Plus i don't want to seem like a pussy. Some of my views (like the whole abortion ordeal) has changed and most remained the same. I stand firmly behind my views and I've even did a better job of arguing with ppl on here. I'm not tryna backtrack on any mf thing i said. Bitch if i said it, i meant it. Don't get it twisted, mkay? 🤣

I hope y'all are picking up what I'm putting down. I'm having a hard time with time management and getting my supporters engaged across all social media platforms. With my years of experience it would seem like being on here is easier. But it's not.

I feel like i let y'all down, therefore yall let me down. And i will apologize. But I'm not sure if my fire has truly died. Maybe i should retire from here and continue elsewhere.

I'm not trying to be a drama queen and make everything about me, but i seriously don't know what to do. I want everyone, even you ghost readers, to chime in.

Should i quit? Should i continue? I haven't accomplished everything on here that i hoped but i don't want to keep being here if no one fucks with the kid. Lemme know what y'all think.

Happy day lights savings! 💗😂

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