Black Body Fetishes

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I'm pretty sure we all know what I mean about this topic. It's everywhere. I'm sure you heard people say this shit, even if you aren't thick. People, including black people themselves, oversexualizing the black body. You don't know what I mean? I'm pretty sure you heard shit like, 

"I wanna marry a black girl because black girls got fat asses."

"Dem titties doe. #WHYILOVEBLACKGIRLS."

"Black men have big dicks. Omg. Smack it on my face."

^First of all, that last statement is hella false. I know black men who aren't specialized in that department. Don't even lie and boost their heads up like that. But back on a serious note, why is it that black people are only seen as sexual objects? Especially with this whole nasty ass "mixed kids fetish" going on nowadays. Y'all know what I'm talking about. No need for further discussion. 

I even went on a whole rant on my other book how this lil white boy in my class kept riding my dick because I "didn't have a true black girl's body." In case y'all don't know, I'm skinny. And short. Small titties, 38 B. Lil booty. Bae says it's not small, but I know his ass is fucking LYING. -.-

Anyways, most guys (black or other) will only see some black women as "attractive" because of their body parts. As if there isn't much to us except our bodies. And then there's a selected few who likes a black woman's body...only when it's not on a black woman. But Imma talk about that in another rant. 

I'm tired of the "Big Booty Latasha" and "BBC Mandingo" jokes, comments and whatnot. I hope this rant made sense. 

MORAL OF THE STORY: Stop hypersexualizing the black body. There is more to us than just our enlarged genitals, breasts, and buttocks. And if you don't have that, ain't nothing wrong with that. We still slay. 

Stay tuned for my new rants and upcoming advice book. 

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