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If y'all still want a fuckboy rant, lemme know now. Bc next chapter Imma do it. No flaking.

Also a disclaimer for this story, this is coming from a light skinned girl's perspective so 💁 just so I won't sound bias or politically incorrect or whatever tf.

Colorism does exist. I will admit that. Now, in November, I didn't even know that was a thing. After I realized how true it was, I felt like a damn fool.
But yes, there is a such thing as light skin privilege. There are certain ppl who think white ppl are privileged and shit, but when it comes to light skin privilege, their only response is

We all black, it doesn't matter. We need to stick together.

I do agree with that, but I just wish that I wasn't so small-minded. That I had realized that from jump. But tbh, I didn't really start becoming as woke as I am now until December so 💁 I was a clueless hoe

However, it doesn't excuse it. I just felt like I wasn't privileged bc I don't receive the treatment. Ppl just treat me like a regular ass black girl with the same stereotypes as they would give brown skin and dark skin girls as you see on social media.

I don't fit into the "Lightskin girl" stereotypes. I'm not conceited. I text back. I don't have "hella hoes" or "hella niggas" in my phone. And other stereotypes that's associated with such. I just be chilling, ya know?

If anything, where I'm from, the mixed girls really receive the privileges of lightskin. People act as if they're some foreign object above a higher being than everyone else, especially black people. They somewhat get put on a platform like they are always better.

I'm not jealous. It's so annoying how black ppl in my area act so ignorant, especially to their own kind. That's another reason why I couldn't see the so-called privileges I had.

But then again, me saying I don't have privileges would be like a white person saying they don't have any privileges. So I guess I have to address that but I still don't feel like I do.

I am a regular ass black girl. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I'm no different that any other black girl, regardless of shade.

I do recognize the colorism with dark skin girl's tho. BIG TIME. I have a darkskin cousin who I love soooo much ❤ and I think is so gorgeous. However, she kinda lacks confidence bc she has always lived in predominantly white areas and no one really tells her she's beautiful. Sometimes she feels out of place bc of her darker complexion.

That also made me realize that COLORISM DOES EXIST. She even thinks I have advantages bc of my complexion, which makes me sad. I just wanna grab her and tell her she's gorgeous, but I know that it won't change how she feels or how society views her.

Long story short, I wanted to clarify and address this topic for the longest. Colorism exists. I will own up to that and apologize for my previous blindness to the situation.

I wish so badly skin shades wasn't a big deal in the black community. I wish the difference between a fully black person and a mixed person wasn't a battle of "she's/he's better looking bc they're mixed". But it is. And it's sad.

That's why in the title, I capitalized the L. I took a huge one. I own to it. I take L's like a champ. I got good sportsmanship. 💪

See y'all in the next rant. Give me some new topics to discuss.

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