Happy 4th/Group Chat

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Happy Fourth of July everybody. Lemme know what y'all did today. My ass stayed home and my parents didn't even grill today. Fml but whatever.

Anyways, me and my homie Shaveen @QueenShaveen was talking (as usual 💅) and we wanted to make a group chat.

It's been a while since we made and had one so I mean why not? She's bored, I'm bored, let's get it cracking.

If you wanna be added, PM me your kik name. It'll be weird if idk you but whatever. We're here to make friends.
No drama, you know allat shit. Even if you don't have a kik, make one. Let's make this chat LIT ASF. Don't be shy and not talk. Be active.

Plus Shaveen is nice. She's not gonna bully you. Unless you say something bad about the Lakers 💀 and I'm cool asf so don't worry about it

Who's down for a group chat? Nobody. Okay. 😢

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