Could You Fucking Not?

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Lemme just go on a quick rant. For a hot second. I swear ppl on this mf app will never be satisfied. Ppl always got an issue with what I put in MY book. I allow ppl's opinions but now it's starting to get annoying. Like frfr. Chill the fuck out. 

On this book, I still got ppl (one of them was white) who got issues with the things I say. I don't even respond bc first of all, I'm not giving you that wanted attention. Unless you call me out my name or bash my book, I just brush it off. Second of all, I already clarified everything in another chapter. So why are ppl getting BUTTHURT? If you just took the time to stfu and READ, you would understand where I'm coming from. 

As I previously stated, this book wasn't even intended to bash whites. It's to UPLIFT black women. I can count how many times I did such, even WITHOUT bashing whites. So please cease with your reverse racism BS. I also don't give y'all the time or the day bc I'm not how I used to be last year, arguing with bitches on Wattpad. 

Bitch I got a job now, plus I just don't have time. I don't even like muting ppl. I'll just let your comment rot in hell along with you. Say whatever you want,boo. Just don't cross that line bc your edges will be nonexistent. Okay? Mmkay. 

Second, in my book The Blacker the Berry, I also saw ppl complaining. Now this one really pisses me off. My WHOLE objective of making the damn book was to show the misrepresentation of DARK skin women on this app and give them some shine. I have had MANY and PLENTY dark skin/black girls in general who have told ME that my book gave them confidence and inspiration. Therefore I must be doing something right. 

But why do I have mfs complaining that the MC has a small nose and be like "well, why her nose is small? Why can't it be wide" or another mf that was like "not all lightskin girls are like that. not all of us are bullies. this is putting us in a negative light"

Bitch, I am a lightskin female my DAMN self. Do you not think I don't know that already? Obviously that was not my intentions. And my nose is wide myself. Okay? So I'm not trying to bash ANYTHING. I'm basically writing about the "things" that are opposite of what I am. Does that make sense? Bc I swear mfs don't get it. 

Ppl can't be satisfied for SHIT. This is the main reason why I hate being on here. Mfs complain too much. Now in the next story I write, the MC will be based (physical descrips and the personality) upon MYSELF. I swear if a mf start complaining, Imma be snatching edges. I'm so done. Honestly. Like I can't. 


Send in more suggestions, stay tuned for my new book, and be breezy. 

Also, do any of you know someone who does free manip book covers? I need one badly.

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