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I am feeling extremely discouraged and drained since it is the end of the school year but I have all of these exams coming next week. However I come on here and I see this book has reached 100k and I am so excited.

Thank you to everyone who supports this book. It's amazing being surrounded by wonderful black women who understand what it's like to live in this anti-black world and just what's its like to be a woman in general✊🏽

Shout out to the haters for bringing in some drama. Not all publicity is good but if somebody is hating, idgaf so thanks y'all

Now, I am having issues with Wattpad and this whole features thing. Like I want them hoes to start paying me. My YouTube is okay I guess but ppl ain't really fucking with it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean if y'all hate it then it's whatever. I try to create good content and maybe my shit is just trash. Whatev.

I also contacted the Wattpad admins about publishing opportunities and they NEVER hmu. I think I am just going to quit being on here bc they don't give a shit about me.

But enough about me pouring my personal issues on here. Happy 100k. Lowkey didn't think I would make it this far but I did. Thanks everybody.

Start sending me questions to answer on here as a celebration for 100k. I think I did something like this before not sure but ppl liked it so let's do it. And make it lit bc y'all be acting stank sometimes 😂

If you don't wanna hmu on here, dm me questions on Twitter @ kweenkimi

Snapchat @kween.kimi

Or YouTube. My username is...you guessed it... Kween Kimi.

Love y'all ❤️😘

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